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Aubrey is the funniest person you'll ever meet. She is goofy and makes everyone around her happy. She is also very generous and will do anything for others. She can be very petty if she's mad so don't get on her bad side. She is competitive and a sore loser so be careful. She is very unique you will never find another Aubrey. She makes for an amazing partner. She is very loyal but needs a lot of attention.

I love Aubrey! She's the best!

by Jake_2007 June 16, 2022

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Weird af

Aubreyanna is weird af

by ItsyaboiAAA December 18, 2017

79๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful lady. can be cute, sexy, and pretty at the same time. Usually small wid a nice butt. Hilarious mostly brunette really outgoing. Notice to like tall guys and having fun! Really smart.

"dayum did you see Aubrey? she got a nice ass!"
"Aubrey so funny! She always makes me laugh!"
"she's real short but she like tall guys"

by Jonathan Delagetto November 9, 2009

730๐Ÿ‘ 369๐Ÿ‘Ž


A very sus person

You made Aubrey

by Dashback May 17, 2021

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


sassy, unique, artistic, a bit to sexy, sense of humor, mischievous, nerdy, and will always push your buttons.

Aubrey will move to fast in relationships. Very athletic. Loves to push your buttons and intimidate. Socially awkward but once you get to know her she's really outgoing.Is eating food every minute. Loves animals.

"Wanna go out sometime?" asked Hannah. "You're being such an Aubrey"

by chesire cat April 11, 2015

63๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


A amazing, beautiful, loving, wonderful, caring, talented, and smart girl. She dates tall Hispanic guys with Brown hair and Blue eyes. She absolutely loves her boyfriend Jus like he loves her. She loves Gummy Worms too! ^.^ She is a beautiful girl and has to be loved by everyone. She means the world to her boyfriend and he wants her to know He LOVES her. She has a lot of friends she jus don't know it. She has haters but hell who doesn't? She's also a amazing kisser! She's got a great taste in music and is legit! ^.^

Boyfriend: Marry me!? ^.^

Aubrey: Yes!!! ^.^

by MexiBoy March 24, 2013

135๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cute, sweet, beautiful girl

Aubrey's are usually shy when you meet them but are crazy once you get to know them
Aubrey's usually like short sweet guys that know how to treat a girl right.
Aubrey's are very calm, laidback, and chill but on the inside are not always calm because Aubrey's often put other people over themselves which can lead to anxiety and depression.

Overall Aubrey's make a great friend/gf

Boy A: man aubrey is so chill
Boy B: she's cute af
Girl A: man I wish I was aubrey

Girl B: Aubrey is a great friend

by Girrrrrrllllllllbyeeeeee July 14, 2017

29๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž