August 22 is national dracotok day. We celebrate the magical world of harry potter. you will often find many edits of draco malfoy this day.
person 1: “I can’t wait for august 22!”
person 2: “i know, me as well i can’t wait to see all the cool edits!”
National Dracotok day!! Where it all started.
August 22 of 2020 is when dracotok first started.
“august 22 2020 is when dracotok first began” idk
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August 22 is note for national be A VSCO girl day
BOO:OMG ISNT YOUR birthday on August 22?
Rawr:yeah why?
BOO:hahahahaha you where born to be a vsco girl hahahahha
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People born on august 22 are those people that like to touch stuff
Barack: im born on august 22
Barack: owh wow stuff to touch
Obama: stop touching that
Barack: oeh sorry
Barack: u said stop touching THAT
Obama: stop touching the children
Obama: we’re inside a children’s hospital
Barack: oh i thought it was a doll
Obama: *eats banana*
Barack: dude thats a child’s peepee
Obama: huh *puts on shoes*
Barack: never ever touch my dog again
Obama: *confusing situation*
Barack: no its not!
Obama: im president
Barack: NO I AM
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-it’s august 22 tomorrow!!
-oh yeah...we know what that means...
- dracotok anniversary yay!!