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what a hoe. Think of the two whitest girls you know shoved into the body of ms motherfucking piggy. This is that la bitch that says "whats the tea shistars sksksksksksksksks periodT!" can't go one fucking day without her starbucks and fit tea and pretends she has huge boobs when shes just motherfucking ugly. What an attention whore. Her voice fuckinh fluctuates too

Avalon keeps telling me that she wants a boob reduction at 15 even though you know she wears no bra to show off her tits.

by AHAHBRO June 29, 2019

69πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


Avalon was long ago an existing physical place, A spiritual place, a place of existence. A place and sense of belonging.

EX. According to legends, women rule in Avalon and specifically the Lady of Avalon; a Goddess of love, beauty, power and wisdom. written by www.cicerivera.com

by boutmehealing.com December 26, 2015

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Avalon group, also known as β€œThe kids that move the world” is a Mexican group of rich kids famous for posting their daily life on social media and showing off their lavish lifestyle. They are know for their popular hand gesture that they pose in pictures with to represent their group, which is them raising their hand with part between middle and ring fingers which is also known as the β€œVulcan salute”.

Look at those kids ordering Dom Perignon’s at their table, they might be part of Avalon.

by UrbanDictionary.official December 29, 2021

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1.Holy resting place of King Arthur
2.Trashy holiday park in Cornwall

1.Medieval knights often sought Avalon in their quests for the holy grail
2.clue's in the title

by dom February 11, 2004

95πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


The bestest, kewlest, nicest, smartest friend ever.

"Avalon, did u just c that Ab salon?"

by Bobishness April 6, 2003

96πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


a song by Roxy Music and sung by Bryan Ferry. Directly responsible for my brith, as my mother concieved me while this song was playing.

Avalon is the best song to fuck to, by far!

by Jake Throckmorton June 21, 2005

133πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž


coolest, sweetest, prettiest, girl in the whole world. Also, can dance better than Madonna.

Avalon is that hottie I saw at the dance last night, damn she was foin.

by chrizzle June 16, 2004

198πŸ‘ 173πŸ‘Ž