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All Avrils are amazing people and they are always by your side. If you ever meet an Avril, never let them go. They are truly some of the best people you will meet! If you ever find a person named Avril please be there friend because that are probably lonely. She is very beautiful, loyal, honest, and caring for anyone and everyone. They most likely don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend and they are very insecure. But deep down they know that they are perfect just they way they are, so you should probably help them find that.

Guy -“ is that Avril?”
Girl - “ yeah. She’s super nice.”
Guy - “ And beautiful”
Girl - “ HEY! Do you want her to be your girlfriend instead of me!”
Guy - “ kinda. I mean no. I mean yes! I mean...”
Person listening - “ oof

by mynameistotallynotAvril May 13, 2020


A totally unique and Very Awesome person :)

(not the singer)

that girl Avril is so Cool!

by He_WhoKnowsher1988 October 8, 2012

16👍 2👎


1. She's rude to her fans

2. She lies about everything

3. She can't really play the guitar

4. She can't really play the piano

5. She tries too hard

6. She disses Good Charlotte (& other bands/artist)

"Good Charlotte are posers!" -Avril

7. She's fucking ugly

8. She CAN'T sing

9. Her lyrics don't make sense

10. She brought ties back in style(she didn't "invent the tie look")

11. She gives a bad name to all Punks

12. She doesn't know who the Sex Pistols are yet says she is like Sid Vicious

"I'm the Sid Vicious of the new generation!" -Avril

13. All her songs sound the same

14. She's a dumbass; she can't spell("Sk8er Boi")

15. Her music videos are gay

16. She's a hypocrite

17. She's so fake

18. She's a racist

"People like Shakira shouldn't even have record labels, she can't even speak english!" -Avril

19. She's immature(always saying shit about someone)

20. She just sucks

see: Avril Lavigne/poser

Avril should take a look in the mirror; and see who the REAL poser is.

by Labels Are For Losers Like Avril May 16, 2005

1491👍 1323👎


An adorable girl who is a diva but not rude. If you make her mad, she will call you “poopyhead” so be careful!

Me: Im not scared of you
Avril: >:)

by ElianaGarcia February 13, 2018


is associated with the name of April. If an Avril is a bad bitch, then she's the baddest bitch. Girls with this name are smoking hot, very intelligent, and a shit load of fire and ice. They tend to be one of the most beautiful and attractive people out there, they are a hint of an angel but a pure devil. names like Avril has always been stunning, gorgeous, and mostly mysterious inside and out. They are always a queen yet no one knows their nature. They are the observers that don't speak, serial killers that don't kill, and a genius that doesn't have to think. They are seductive at times without knowing and can take you or your man by just looking at your eye. Thay are very dominant and bi, a sadist is what you can call her, a wild card or an insane are the words that can well define her but behind all of that they are kind, sympathetic, sensitive, talented, creative, adorable or cute, and a little cotton ball. They are very funny and oftentimes, they don't notice how many men surround her, but knows how many women are jealous of her. She knows what's wrong with her and how some people might despise her, but she uses that for her own advantage. (they tend to have a successful career and good almost at everything )

Is Avril even a human?

by AngelaFrancis December 11, 2019

3👍 1👎


"The Avrils" : Used to describe all girls between the ages of 13 and 16 who dress like skaters or punks, but are hanging out at malls rather than Fugazi shows.

see: mallpunk, mallcore, sk8er

"I just wanted to get some new jeans, but the Avrils had flooded the store and the lineup went on forever!"

by 4dimensional September 2, 2004

316👍 533👎


She is veryyy pretty and really sweet. Yeah she may be a little annoying but she is an amazing friend and you would be very happy to have her. She’s really special as well so take proper care of her. And she is amazing :))

Person: Avril is amazing

Person 2: ofc she is duh

by Not mercury April 24, 2022