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BVB Army

The BVB Army are the many fans of the rock band, Black Veil Brides. Andy Biersack, the lead singer of Black Veil Brides, wanted to create a band that was based off of his love for KISS and Mötley Crüe. Thus BVB was created.

I love Black Veil Brides and I'm proud to say I am apart of the BVB Army.

by BlackVeiledBride February 19, 2015

104👍 17👎

BVB Army

The BVB Army is a rip off bullshit poser club.

Andy Sixx, the supposed leader of the BVB Army, stole his ideas from the rock band, "KISS" because he isn't creative in any way and everything he says about being yourself is all a bunch of bull shit.

Poser: Im emo because im in the BVB Army.

by CrashCarson July 26, 2011

1402👍 1105👎


Big Voluptuous Booty

Damn is that BVB Ben (Big Voluptuous Booty Ben) walking over there.

by Dilgurt Of The Swamp February 28, 2022

Heja BVB

Something someone says when they are not stupid idiots.

Person 1: How are you?
Person 2: Heja BVB!

by Thebestinaworldatlerntofly2 June 8, 2023