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One who has skills.
Many Skills. Not neccessarily at basketball, but rather any activity that uses balls (not the persons)
It requires much skill to achieve "balla" status

: "Damn, that nigga is a balla!"

by Master Chief June 10, 2003

539๐Ÿ‘ 266๐Ÿ‘Ž


Term meaning, great, amazing, top shelf, the best, good, ect....used to describe a person, place, or thing.

"That was the most BALLA shit ever"

translation- that was the best shit ever

by Jayfrizzlay May 22, 2008

158๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person favoring flashiness over modesty.
Comes from "big baller" as in showing off your largess.
If a balla is a person of means, he wants the world to know about it. If he is not a person of means, he wants to fool the world into thinking he is.

That's a balla ride.
I'm goin' out balla style tonight.
Check my new balla grill.

by p-brane February 8, 2008

95๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

balla balla

one that has a decent amount of money to spend frivilously

i'll buy your beer, because im a balla balla.

by diamond blue September 11, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A wealthy young black person who spends their money on ice and rims.
2. Someone who is good at basketball.

1. Shit homie check out those 24's, that guy must be a balla.
2. Look at that balla out on the court.

by sam of p$c November 23, 2006

113๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


Its like a "playa" only with the absence of a connotation of playing women, and the introduction of a connotation of being proficient at a ball-involved sport, usually basketball. It has evolved, similar to playa, to mean a popular, confident young person in certain youth societies.... the kind of societies that like to wear basketball jerseys that were apparently made for giants and jeans or sweatpants that were apparently made for the obese population, not the emaciated.

When meeting up with a good friend: "Hey, wassup balla?"

by Monty11 January 5, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person who can do anything, be it a sport or anything else with great excellence. Someone or something that is really cool.

That person is very balla or i can't wait for the party it is going to be balla.

by clara, taryn October 27, 2006

107๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž