Source Code

Beez in the trap

You are where your money is or where you are getting your money.

So glad Friday is pay day, cuz then I beez in the trap!

by GabrielCash April 26, 2012

5πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

beez in the trap

Originating from the Nikki Minaj song Beez in the Trap. The word "I" in this song is commonly missed, making the meaning of this song lyric confusing.

Song Verse: A hundred motherf***ers can't tell me nothing, I beez in the trap, b-beez in the trap.

A trap is a slang term used most commonly amongst the hip-hop/gangster rap community. Meaning an area where drug deals are carried out.
Trap music is also a sub genre of southern rap music, commonly referencing drug dealing.

Nikki Minaj is saying that "she beez in the trap." Either she is saying that she's kicking it in a drug distribution area or merely referencing perhaps being in the trap music genre.

"I beez in the trap, collecting substantial currency by selling copious amounts of illicit substances."

by foogoofoo March 20, 2013

184πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

Beez In The Trap

Nothing. This phrase means absolutely nothing at all.

(It comes from a Nikki Minaj song.)

Nikki Minaj: A hundred motherf***ers can't tell me nothing, beez in the trap b-beez in the trap.

Chuck Testa:
Russel Peters:
Me: ok.

by nanoring June 27, 2012

1456πŸ‘ 812πŸ‘Ž

beez in the trap

A song by Nicki Minaj in which she talks about a potentially new STD that she may or may not have spawned.

Yo, did you hear Nicki's got Beez in the trap? That's so sad, I hear there is no cure.

by dnthvebzntrp May 7, 2012

819πŸ‘ 516πŸ‘Ž

beez in the trap

Destroying the music industry.

Aw damn mang im gonna make so much money cause I beez in the trap!

by jmonayyy June 27, 2012

753πŸ‘ 556πŸ‘Ž

beez in the trap

(verb) When someone puts honey on another person's anus, then tosses their salad while "buzzing" like a bee.

Guy 1: Bro your mom likes to beez in the trap

Guy 2: Fuck you dude, nobody does that except for Nicki Minaj.

Guy 1: Bro there's still honey on my asshole.

Guy 2's Mom: I must have missed a spot. I'll be right there

Guy 1: Mom WTF?! Dude I'm gonna kick your ass!

by TheUDking April 28, 2012

203πŸ‘ 151πŸ‘Ž

Beez In The Trap

Nicki Minaj's new song - Beez in the trap is definitely a sick tune. No one seems to know what that term actually means though.... But, it is thought that the term "Beez in the Trap" may possibly be a reference to strippers or drug dealers because a "trap" is a house where you sell drugs, so possibly she means strippers in a drug dealers house. Nicki Minaj appeared on The Graham Norton show in the UK and gave her meaning of "Beez in the Trap". Nicki said "That’s our slang way of β€œI beez doin such and such” so it’s like I’m always in the trap. Now the trap, ladies and gentlemen, refers to anywhere that you get your money.” Below is the chorus from her song "Beez in the Trap".

Bitches ain't shit and they ain't say nothing
A hundred motherfuckers can't tell me nothing
I beez in the trap, bee beez in the trap
I beez in the trap, bee beez in the trap

"Hey Lil Wayne, I'll beez in the trap." referring to a drug dealer house.

by Mhirtle April 26, 2012

77πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž