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Benign Betrayal

The act of breaking a confidence or revealing information that was shared with you in private for reasons that are deemed moral or otherwise necessary.

Jack knew it was a benign betrayal telling Kathy that her boyfriend was cheating on her even although he was a friend.

by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010

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Benign Hat Pressure Syndrome.

Also known as BHPS.

A harmless condition in which the catalyst event is inadvertently bought about by the victim wearing a hat for novelty purposes, while they are not generally accustomed to wearing one.
They do this under marijuana inebriation.

The marijuana ingestion causes vagueness and temporary loss of short term memory in the victim, and the irregular use of the hat becomes forgotten.

The victim senses the anomalous pressure caused by the hat, and perceives it to be something akin to a "headache", an imbalance, or loss in equilibrium.

For treatment of BHPS, identification of the cause (see: hat) and removal will result in alleviation of the symptoms.

This results in a return to relative normalcy, and increased feelings of joy in the (now) former victim.

Most often, identification will be made by a secondary party - Hat removal procedures can be performed by either of the aforementioned, a nigh-immediate improvement will be noted thereafter.

The syndrome has been known to recur at times of subsequent marijuana usage.

He thought there was something wrong.

There wasn't.

It was merely a case of Benign Hat Pressure Syndrome.

Removal Procedure began immediately upon identification.

by Jomamanoidus Rex March 20, 2013

benign bitching

Venting with non-malicious intent, as to not hurt someone’s feelings.

Person 1: You are always bitching about your friends. I’m surprised you still have any!
Person 2: It’s just benign bitching. I just need to get things off my chest.

by GrillDaddyDeluxe February 3, 2018


kind sassay outgoing girl;

benigne is the best

by axolotlsrsocute November 8, 2022

benign canine

A friendly dog.

He's a benign canine--you can pet him safely.

by Ereck Flowers May 4, 2019



On the surface, their argument had been about something benign, like a garden hose, but in reality, one was in a power struggle with the other. Only the armed participant saw the shooting as a win, the unarmed participant didnt think anybody won at something like that, but he was dead, so it didn't matter much what he thought, and it hadn't done much good for him to try and explain what he thought, since he got shot for it the first time he did.

by Solid Mantis January 20, 2021