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best friends

a best friend is the one person in the world you know will always be there. they don't care about your flaws and take you for who you are. when you act like a bitch, they'll tell you to your face and expect you to get over it. they are the ones who you cannot live without; the thought makes you want to cry. a best friend is your other half; they complete you in every way possible. a best friend is not temporary. nothing can separate best friends.

best friends is a level of friendship where words are no longer needed; you're both too tired of saying the same thing at the same time.

best friends is not a label, it's a PROMISE.

person A: damn, those girls are always together! are they gay or something?

person B: no, they're best friends, bitch.

LTH. forever & a day.

by heavy, bby. April 1, 2008

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by HOW COULD SHE!!!! December 21, 2017

22๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Best Friend

The twin you never knew you had who laughs at your pain and misery, walks in on you, steals/eats all your food, and will never let you leave them.


by huwehwhuf November 1, 2018

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Best Friend

A best friend is someone who you can trust and never let go. They are someone who will be by your side until your last breath. Having a best friend is the best gift you could ever ask for. They are the only person who understands you when you are down. You are always by there side no matter what! Even when you fight you always make up for it like 5 seconds after :) Just one secret... Never let them go they will always be there for you!

Girl 1: OMG! I have this bestie or if you want to say a best friend she is SO AMAZING!

Girl 2: Oh thats nice I wish I had a bestie.

by Watermelon 2.0 :) July 17, 2020

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Best Friends

The person on whom you can count on anytime. The person whom you can make fun of with all the rights but if someone else does the same you get pissed off. No matter how you both irritate each other but you still love each other and will never agree to this fact even in your wildest dreams. A best friend is always there for you when you get yourself into trouble. The only disadvantage of having a best friend is "they eat your food and leave not even small traces of food". LOL!

We are best friends, she is like my sister from another mother.

by DeeVa2001 August 4, 2019

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Best Friend

Someone Who Wants You To Always Be Happy, Irreguardless Of How It Happens,

Someone Who Will Always Be By Your Side,

Someone Whom You Can Entrust Your Life With.

Someone Who No Matter How Tough The Going Gets, They Never Get Going.

Having A True Best Friend, Is A Bond Even Stronger Than Beinf Married.

Its Two In The Morning, You Just Had The Worst Nightmare Of Your Life, You Cant Sleep, And Your Seriously Shooken Up, You Call Your Best Friend And She/He Could Calm You With Very Few Words.

by AshhMariee69 April 12, 2011

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best friends

Two or more people who share everything with one another, knowing they can be trusted. People who would, if needed, take a bullet for their friend(s). Two or more people who, through all the new friends, new hobbies, new jobs, rough times, and high school, are always there for eachother, no matter how busy they are. A best friend is someone who can make you feel better no matter what.

In some cases, the two or more part doesn't apply. It is quite possible to be your own best friend.

Once you find your best friend(s), hold on to them forever, for they are hard to find and oh so special.

by Tiffany September 15, 2004

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