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Big club nonce

Found in many countries round the world, the big club nonce (BCN) is a supporter of a 'big' sports team, usually, but not exclusively, a professional Football (soccer) club. The main characteristic of a BCN is that he or she thinks they are somehow superior to a supporter of a smaller team just by virtue of the fact they support a big club. This perceived superiority is not limited to football knowledge, and when called out about being BCN's they get as angry as actual nonces get when peadophile hunters catch them and film it live on Facebook, hence the use of the word nonce (which at one time was considered to be offensive but is now common place). The BCN is usually a glory hunter and often shunned by supporters of their own team.

BCN: what would you know about the 4-3-3 system, you support a league one side?
Other supporter: Mate pack it in you sound like a big club nonce.

BCN: We should be beating teams like......
Other supporters: Jesus mate you sound like a big club nonce.
BCN: Why would you spend your money supporting that rubbish
Clinton Baptiste: I'm getting the words.... Big club nonce.

by Nutbutternutter September 14, 2020

Big club nonce

Found in many countries round the world, the big club nonce (BCN) is a supporter of a 'big' sports team, usually, but not exclusively, a professional Football (soccer) club. The main characteristic of a BCN is that he or she thinks they are somehow superior to a supporter of a smaller team just by virtue of the fact they support a big club. This perceived superiority is not limited to football knowledge, and when called out about being BCN's they get as angry as actual nonces get when peadophile hunters catch them and film it live on Facebook, hence the use of the word nonce (which at one time was considered to be offensive but is now common place). The BCN is usually a glory hunter and often shunned by supporters of their own team.

BCN: what would you know about the 4-3-3 system, you support a league one side?
Other supporter: Mate pack it in you sound like a big club nonce.

BCN: We should be beating teams like......
Other supporters: Jesus mate you sound like a big club nonce.
BCN: Why would you spend your money supporting that rubbish
Clinton Baptiste: I'm getting the words.... Big club nonce.

by Nutbutternutter September 14, 2020

Big Long Schlong Club

An organization with members around the world that recruits only those deemed to have "Big long Schlongs."

The current size required to join the club are unknown however it is believed that the minimum is 8 inches. Most receive membership after making their girth known to as many people as possible, once word has been spread you may find a phone call or letter that details your joining of the club.

As far as anyone knows this is still not a pyramid scheme.

"Hey Trish have you heard?"

"Heard what chad?"

"I got into the Big Long Schlong Club."


by MurderDuck May 28, 2022