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The type of guy that always wants to dominate effeminate men but at the same time wants to be dominated by older women.

Guy 1: "How come you let that girl boss you around all the time? Usually you're more dominant that that."
Guy 2: "Yeah, but only with girly dudes."
Guy 1: "Man, you're such a bilge."

by NotSpook December 13, 2021


Excess fat hanging from a part of an obese person. Most commonly seen as the 'second belly' you see on a fat persons crotch area.

look at the bilge on her arm!

ahh man that blokes got proper bilge!

by Mikepk4life January 14, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


Bilge:- Verb. To Bilge is to screw ones face whilst skanking to anysort of music. Mainly found in Dubstep and Drum and Bass events, Bilging has become extremely popular with the rise of these two genres of music.

Man 1:- This tune is Filth.. im gonna Bilge!
Man 2:- SAAAME! Put 2 hands on the head and BILGE!

by The Rivla November 15, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who has someone letting go of the past, or forgetting past grudges

Stop being a Bilge and forget him, he's no good for you.
*does a bilge and hunts him down 3 years later*

by Onicron November 6, 2003

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bilge pump

The act of fornication from the backside, Doggy style, while the partner is vomiting. Each thrust helps to expell the deep stomach contents.

After a night of drinking my girlfriend needed a bilge pump to make her feel better.

by Bubba33 January 29, 2008

bilge rat

the bilge is the part of a ship below the floor boards of the bottom level, just above the hull... ie the darkest and most grim part of the boat. a rat is, well, a small annoying (and to some people, scary) rodent. Therefore the term "bilge rat" is a pirate insult.

arrr, ye be a great foolish bilge rat, ye be!

by Mad Sam purple'ead January 4, 2005

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Bilge Troll

Someone so hideously disgusting that they can only occupy dark wet areas in the bowels of large water-going craft. They are a tremendous nuisance and have a habit of riddling anyone who may come near them. The price of answering one of their riddles wrong is performing a sexual favor for the Bilge Troll.

Man, I ran into this super hot chick on the cruise I went on but we came across a Bilge Troll on our way to my room. Unfortunately, I answered wrong and... lets just say I don't think I'll be having sex again any time soon.

by nastynick69 November 1, 2009

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