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An industrial wasteland where parents send their spolied Long Island Kids to get a NYU comparable education, but the kids are too fucking bratty to accept anything other than going to Boston University and having their balls powdered while their new BMW's get a new pair of rims. Oh, and the cloudy weather makes everyone insane. Smoke weed everyday.

Which way to Pepe's nigga?

by Tau Phi Beta March 12, 2005

690๐Ÿ‘ 348๐Ÿ‘Ž


If you don't enjoy whining, then I suggest you do not attend this school. In fact, you should kill yourself right now because whining will occur anywhere and everywhere you go. People will always find ways to whine about anything. If you like beautiful mountain valleys, smoking marijuana, sitting quietly with your hands folded, sleeping, and eating (actually just eating), then Binghamton is the place for you. There are cool people here and if you are a cool person, chances are you will attract another cool person, and that person will already be attached to another cool person, so eventually you can form a gang of cool people. If you are not a cool person, join a fraternity. If you get bored, go to LateNite and play Dance Dance Revolution. Masturbate in the library, both libraries, preferably with your TA on the other side of the cubicle. Indeed, many of the professors went to Ivy League schools themselves but they will never be pretentious dicks about it. So no matter how smart, how cool, or how hungry you are, you will always have an opportunity to show it at Binghamton University but most likely you will be ignored.

I visited my friends up in Binghamton. It was quite delirious.

by salmonsunglasses October 31, 2011

63๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


Perhaps I am the first Long Islander to say good things about Binghamton and the University. In fact, I turned down an offer from Cornell to come here because it doesn't really matter where you go to undergrad once you are considering colleges on the level of Binghamton and up. The school pours a bunch of money into my Bioengineering department and almost all my teachers have degrees from MIT and Harvard (and Tokyo Uni) so why should I pay another 30 grand a year. I'll save the money for grad school when it really matters. Oh yeah, then there is also the fact that 80% of CEOs today went to public school (like the guy who currently runs Disney). University is just a tool and a background. It doesn't make you successful, it just gives you a few opportunities to have you help yourself.

Yes the weather sucks in the winter, but it is beautiful in the summer time. You can't see mountains like this on Long Island. Additionally there are a number of cultural events that go on in Bing all the time. Lucia Di Lammermoor, came here to do Opera and there is the Speedie Fest and such in August I think. There is one vintage thrift shop downtown that designers from Manhattan come to to steal ideas and resell for 10x the price.

So while Bing is no Manhattan, its no bumblefuck either. Additionally, Cornell should be nicer if you are going to pay thirty thousand extra dollars a year. For that amount of money, they should powder your balls (like the gentleman below indicated of Long Islanders).

I had a friend who went to University of Hawaii at Manoa which is much lower ranking than Binghamton (but hey its Hawaii) and he went to Yale for physics for grad school, so who the fuck cares where he went for undergrad.

Stop bitching and take control of your life. Then get shitfaced

Rod Serling lived in Binghamton 'till 18.

by The Tiki June 23, 2006

285๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž


The armpit of the United States. Alternatively, A place that makes third-world eastern European countries look enticing

I got to school in the hole named Binghamton, you've probably never heard of it but it's 3 hours fom NYC.

by Homey G Slice February 7, 2007

105๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A surreal industrial graveyard populated by pensioners, criminals, corrupt police, out-of-touch governmental officials, slum-lords, and drug-addled eccentrics. Popular pass-times include recreational drug use, doing nothing to improve the culture of the city while simultaneously complaining about how there's no culture, and going to the hospital for tetanus shots.

2. What would manifest if Salvador Dali free-based a highly concentrated crystalline mixture of Bukowski and William S. Buroughs out of the soft spot in a new-born's skull.

3. What the rest of America will look like in another 50 years.

Perma-Drunk Non-descript Long Island Bro #1: "Bro, Binghamton is totally balls."
Perma-drunk Non-descript Long Island Bro #2: "Totally dawg, I don't understand why things never improve when we just piss all over the entire city."

Crotchety Pensioner: "You young hooligans leave my ailing, decrepit wasteland alone! I won't stand to have you bringing revenue into the city!"

Perma-Drunk Non-descript Long Island Bro #2: "Fuck you old man!"

Crotchety Pensioner: "I may be old but I could still lick ya!"

Perma-Drunk Non-descript Long Island Bro #2: "Ah you couldn't lick a plastic spoon. Hey bro, check this out dawg!" *vomits on a passing homeless man who gives no sign that he's aware of the presence of anyone else*

Drug-Addled Homeless Eccentric: "Garbled kangaroo steals rainbows from children Binghamton have a dollar OH NO why am I dancing and singing again?"

by Sheerlegs August 16, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


This place sucks unless you start smoking weed early in life (6th Grade) then you pretty much get shit-faced on the weekends return to school and do it again all over.

Typical Weekend
Call your friend, smoke weed,find one of the many lame ass house parties, smoke some more go to downtown binghamton scam on SUNYtoons, find some more parties. drive around east bumfuck smoking more weed. go home. repeat from next weekend until you graduate.

by Dopeboy November 24, 2006

59๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


Since everyone on here is painting such a fugly image of Binghamton, I think it's only fair that someone with a brain actually shows the good AND the bad. So far, for the most part anyway, the only people who've written an entry here have been (A) students from Long Island who are bitching because in reality they miss their parents and are trying to compensate, and (B) local idiots with no culture who don't actually try to find fun and complain a lot because fun doesn't find them. The city is what you make of it, just like every other city in the country. anyway...

Unlike what others on here have said, Binghamton is a major city in New York State... right up there with Syracuse, Buffalo, Rochester, Albany, and Ithaca. It's situated on the crossroads of 81, 86, and 88, and contains a fairly important train artery. Binghamton University, one of the top-rated state universities in New York (or the country for that matter), boasts a world-renowned archeology department. The metro area is broken up into boroughs, much like New York City (hence there not being a mayor in Vestal or JC). The actual city of Binghamton is fairly small, with only 50k residents, but the valley itself has almost half a million residents. It's the carousel capital of the world, home to one of the oldest zoos in the country, and has a pretty cool local museum with interesting tidbits about the city's history. Speaking of which, in it's day (up until the mid 1980's, in fact), Binghamton was a very famous and crucial city, especially in the 1920's when it was on the map in bigger letters than even Albany or Buffalo. If you're a fan of that particular era, Binghamton is a great place to visit because it captures the architectural style of that era really well. There's plenty of culture in Binghamton, and at least 1/3rd of the city's population is actually cultured a fair amount. The other 2/3rds? Name a city in the world where 2/3rds of the resident's AREN'T morons... please, try, any city in the world. Give up? I thought so.

The Bad: Since IBM (which was founded here) left the area, the city has started to fall apart. The sudden and drastic skyrocketing unemployment effects were created by both IBM leaving and the economic catastrophe of 9/11, which effected the entire state. Because unemployment went through the rough in a matter of days, the county increased its welfare benefits, and that lead to scummy people from New York City and the south to move here so they could live off the government and send the city further into the ground. But Binghamton rebounded a few years later, and today, the economy is growing stronger. We're starting to see the southern pickup-driving confederate-wearing fucktards from down south move away because we aren't cutting them checks anymore, and that's having a drastically-positive effect on the city. Anyway, let me close with some statistics for the idiot who said Binghamton "doesn't have black people." I'm half-black, my family is mostly black... here's some stats for you to wash down your stupidity with:
38% - Black
36% - White
11% - Hispanic (88% of which are puerto rican)
9% - Asian (63% of which are vietnamese or laotian)
6% - other
^ that's the actual racial breakdown for Binghamton, New York. Maybe if you went somewhere besides State Street you'd actually know that ;)

The food in Binghamton is pretty good, if you actually know where to go. Nirchi's has some of the best fucking pizza in New York State, period, as does Brozetti's. But if you're experience with food in Binghamton is limited to Pepe's, Kennedy's, Adrianos, and CIW Dining Hall, then you shouldn't talk about how aweful the food in Binghamton is. Also, take into consideration that MOST cities don't have a local favorite food. Does that shitty little town in Long Island where you come from have one? I didn't think so. Spiedies are good... not great, but not terrible. But you actually have to try one to forge an opinion about it ;)

by Mattrock April 20, 2006

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