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Coined in 2016, as voters recognized that Bernie Bros were acting exactly like their GOP counterparts. Which made more sense the more we learned that Putin supported both Trump and Sanders in several ways.

"I thought we were ALL anti-fascists, but it turns out that guy in the Birdie Sanders merch is just Blue MAGA."

by the modhatter July 12, 2022

382๐Ÿ‘ 19366๐Ÿ‘Ž


Coined in 2016, "Blue MAGA" refers to Bernie Bros who act exactly like their Red MAGA counterparts.

As Orwell warned, Blue MAGA began to call Democrats "Blue MAGA," so that the word would cease to be used -- yet, now they insist on perpetuating the Orwellian use.

"Did you hear? Blue MAGA is actually calling Democrats 'Blue MAGA' now because they want to Cancel Student Deaths but Bernie Bros are too busy worrying about giving rich people a trillion dollars!!!"

by the modhatter May 30, 2022

402๐Ÿ‘ 19371๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term describing the fascist tactics of Bernie Bros, "Blue MAGA" has, predictably, become the latest victim of #Newspeak, and is now used by Putinists as a derogatory term for Democrats who resist Putinists.

Berniecrats described as "Blue MAGA" are often upper-middle class, live in the suburbs, and treat politics as a team sport. They frequently support or excuse Russian war, tax cuts for hedge fund millionaires, clemency for rapists and murderers in the guise of "abolishing prisons," and cuts to the social safety net by Republicans if Democrats are not "pure" enough.

Blue MAGA Berniecrats' main objection to Trump had much less to do with his policies than it had to do with his decorum. This explains their courting of so-called Moderate Republicans, who take a hatchet to the middle class and start unnecessary wars, but often do it with a smile on their face and outward politeness.

Perhaps the politician that Blue MAGA Berniecrats despise the most is Vice President Kamala Harris, attacking her with misogynoir, even when their attacks are based on Fox reporters making up lies. Blue MAGA Berniecrats drool over Bernie Sanders, because they see him as responsible for Donald Trumpโ€™s election theft in 2016, ignoring the facts of Russian interference, which, like Trump, they call the "Russia Hoax" because Putin also actively supported Bernie Sanders. They also swoon to proposals such as Hillarycare, which Bernie tanked in the 1990s and then rebranded as "Medicare for All."

Antifa: I'm so happy that Biden is president now! I can't wait to start fixing what was broken, and then make progress that benefits EVERYONE, regardless of race, sex, gender, sexuality, income, et al.

Blue MAGA: But what about the student loans of rich kids who earn $100,000 per year or more???

Antifa: Shouldn't the priority be to CONTINUE cancelling debt for people who REALLY need it, and then using the trillion dollars you want to give to the rich to make sure EVERY child in the US gets a quality PreK-12 education?

Blue MAGA: You mean, like Black kids? Naw, why bother -- #PLCAA will mean those kids will probably get shot up anyway.

Antifa: STFU Bernie Bro!! Go back to Russia!

Blue MAGA: That's Blue MAGA for you... Oh well, let's go back to attacking every Black person on Twitter as "KHive," and then when Black people complain, say we're talking about white women who eat brunch.

by the modhatter August 4, 2022

403๐Ÿ‘ 19376๐Ÿ‘Ž


A derogatory term for a US citizen who usually votes with the Democratic Party, but behaves like most supporters of former US President Donald J Trump.

It is a play on the phrase MAGA (Make America Great Again), the often-used slogan of Donald Trump's campaign and presidency.

People that can be described as "Blue MAGA" are often upper-middle class, live in the suburbs, and treat politics as a team sport. They frequently support or excuse war, tax cuts for the wealthy, mass incarceration, and cuts to the social safety net, if such things happen when a Democrat is president.

Blue MAGAโ€™s main objection to Donald Trump had much less to do with his policies than it had to do with his decorum. This explains their courting of so-called Moderate Republicans, who take a hatchet to the middle class and start unnecessary wars, but often do it with a smile on their face and outward politeness. (See: George W. Bush)

Perhaps the politician that Blue MAGA despises the most is Senator Bernie Sanders. They see him as responsible for Donald Trumpโ€™s election win over Hillary Clinton in 2016, ignoring the fact that he campaigned harder for Clinton than she did for herself after he dropped out of the race. They also criticize his proposals such as Medicare for All and free public college as being โ€œpie-in-the-skyโ€ despite these things (or things similar to them) existing in virtually every other developed country in the world.

Blue MAGA: I'm so happy that Biden is president now! I can't wait for everything to get back to normal!

Me: What do you mean "normal"?

Blue MAGA: You know, how things were before Trump got into office!

Me: You realize that "normal" is what led to Donald Trump in the first place, right? Plenty of people in this country were hurting before Donald Trump, and they're still hurting after him.

Blue MAGA: STFU Bernie Bro!! Go back to Russia!

Me: That's Blue MAGA for you...

by Iguana Power July 27, 2021

329๐Ÿ‘ 19549๐Ÿ‘Ž


A "Blue MAGA" is dumb, low-information, centrist/rightwinger who imagines they are "liberal" or "progressive." Their low level of knowledge and true-believer epistemology makes them imagine they are "leftists" despite being cop-loving, military loving, white-supremacist centrists.

"Blue" refers to their "blue know matter who" mentality, that traditionally embraces all rightwing fascism so long as it is marketed in blue colors and with "Democrat" talking points.

"MAGA" refers to their white supremacist belief that America used to be great (ie before Trump or Bush, or when Democrats are in charge, etc) and that US institutions by-and-large work except when GOP and/or a foreign enemy ("Russia" etc) obstruct America's otherwise "good intentions."

"BlueMAGA" has a more centrist meaning than simply "limo liberal" or "yuppie," as it refers to obvious centrists (ie the Western majority) that imagine they are on the left while actually being simply more-polite, but otherwise ordinary MAGA.

BlueMAGA themselves refuse to accept this defintion and instead pretend that "Blue MAGA" simply means an ethusiastic democrat.

Blue MAGA don't know what Blue MAGA means: theyd easily believe that Tucker Carlson invented the term while he was working for the Russians, who they believe will be brought to justice by Liz Cheney & tiktok teens any day now.

by Thom Servo March 17, 2022

196๐Ÿ‘ 17039๐Ÿ‘Ž


Derogatory term for people who behave exactly like Trump supporters but who are instead aligned with the Democratic Party. Most often used by leftists to describe liberals on Twitter who frequently express their hatred of Bernie Sanders and anyone to the left of him.

I criticized Biden's cabinet pick about an hour ago and liberals have been flooding my DMs with death threats ever since. Thanks a lot Blue MAGA.

by Poppy Pipopapo November 30, 2020

348๐Ÿ‘ 19856๐Ÿ‘Ž


An American liberal whose support for Joe Biden, the Democratic Party, or other liberal figures mirrors the emotional fervor of Donald Trump supporters. This typically involves lionizing political figures as larger-than-life and saintly, buying political merchandise, and generally treating politics more akin to a sports team or cultural lifestyle.
A portmanteau of "blue" (the color most frequently associated with Democrats) and "MAGA" (Make America Great Again, Donald Trump's 2016 election slogan).
A more conspiratorially-minded Blue MAGA would be called a BlueAnon (Blue + QAnon).

You bought a Kamala Harris votive candle and a Ruth Bader Ginsburg Halloween costume? You've gone full Blue MAGA!

by admiralakbar1 March 7, 2021

187๐Ÿ‘ 518๐Ÿ‘Ž