Source Code

Body count

1 Γ— the number of people with whom you've had penetrative sex, plus 0.5 Γ— the number of people with whom you've had only oral sex. This is known academically as the Yochey Standard

My body count is 5.5

by Academic Concensus September 8, 2022

73πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Body Count

The number of casual sex partners you have had. I.e Having sex and not being in a relationship

Delilah - "What's your body count?"
Janice - "2."

by johnnyfun June 18, 2020

11πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Body Count

The rating of how big of a hoe someone is

her body count high af she a big ass HOE!

by John.Johnson.gay June 15, 2015

388πŸ‘ 329πŸ‘Ž

Body Count

How many different people you’ve murdered. Sometimes it’s a low number (boooorrrinnggg) or sometimes it’s a larger number. The higher the number, the more people killed. (But remember if a cop asks you about your body count, don’t tell him). Usually the gang and I compare about our numbers and tbh, I’ve never heard anybody EVER use it about s*x. Like no joke.

β€œHey, George whats your body count tonight”
β€œAbout... 38”

β€œDang bro!! I only got about 23”

by TheMomHomO July 28, 2019

17πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Body count

The amount of people at a scene or place. Can be used in different situations.

Cop 1~The suspect wiped them all out.
Cop 2~What's the body count?
Cop 1~Over half a dozen.

by Miss Potato Head September 15, 2010

371πŸ‘ 437πŸ‘Ž

Body Count

how many people you have had sex with

person 1: Hey, what's your body count?
person 2: Idk... like 5

by yiye32 January 6, 2022

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Body Count

A Heavy Metal Band founded by Ice-T and his friend Ernie C, they have since made 7 albums, with their debut album Body Count and Bloodlust being their most notable. One of the songs on the debut, "Cop Killer", caused controversy for it's violent, anti-police lyrics, which ended up in it's removal from the album, to which Ice-T then made into a Single.

"Hey you ever heard of the Metal band that Ice-T is in? It's called Body Count, it fuckin' rocks man".

by Mr. DQ January 23, 2022

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž