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Boyertown Mutant

An area of Pennsylvania where procreation results in a specie that is quite ugly and may be considered "slow". These things all look alike and demonstrate characteristics associated with "freak accidents". They are all tall, thin and pale with jet black hair and beady eyes. They are cannibals and enjoy horse meat. They wear Tevas all year round and drink warm milk. They shop at Wal-Mart FOR EVERYTHING and drive Chevy Astro vans with tinted windows. They enjoy gardening....in winter. Lawn gnomes adorn their property. They don't read bedtime stories to their children...they put on the 'human centipede' on blu-ray and leave the room. They only buy jordache jeans...white washed of course (however, if route 66 is on sale they will consider this as an alternative). Flannel is a must. Their weddings are performed by a blind little person who recites entire ceremony in pig latin. They are generally nice but do not wave to them as they consider this as a 'fuck you' and consider the middle finger as a sign of welcoming. They take poops on the hour...never a second earlier or later. Avoid area at all costs.

Dude are you really wearing tevas? you look like a fucking Boyertown Mutant.

by TheGreatGagsby January 21, 2012

13👍 3👎

Boyertown Jew

A person living in Boyertown PA who demonstrates stereotypical Jewish traits. Can be Jew by blood but is not limited to just that, anyone can be one. Most commonly referred to people that are very money obsessed. unlike real Jews Boyertown Jews boast how Jewish they are, as sort of a competition between other Boyertown Jews.

Boyertown Jews also demonstrate stereotypes in public ex: jump at the chance to pick up change on the ground, love saving money and express it, ect.

" Melvin is such a Boyertown Jew, look! he is picking up change"
Melvin- "hell yea free money!"

" do you want the rest of my lunch?"
Melvin- "is it free?"
Melvin- "then its not even a question"

"funerals are like eight or nine grand"
Melvin- " screw that! when I die throw me in the nearest

by some guy26482 September 29, 2011

22👍 15👎

Boyertown Highschool

a school in the "ghetto section" of hicktown. A bunch of druggies mixed in with a bunch of farmers. The results consist of a bunch of inbreds and wanna-be-whores . The main hangout spot is CVS in the middle of the shit-ass town. 99% of the people have a staring problem. The main goal for many of the teens here is too sell enough drugs to get enough money for a shitty muffler on their shitty car. if you come back in 10 years, 99% of the people will still be working at mcDonalds/Zerns.

Guy 1: "Hey that guy has been working at Zerns for 20 years!"
Guy 2: "Yep, he went to Boyertown Highschool."

by Boyetown scum observer February 12, 2012

90👍 77👎


A community of people who refuse to update the town because they want to keep the "history" alive. The only history they have here is a stupid useless train station, the car museum and the opera house..nothing else! There's no actual amusement or entertainment as to you have to drive 30 plus minutes out to another location for it such as Allentown, Reading, and Philadelphia.. If you are new to living here people will look at you with a smile and pretend to be nice when really they aren't and will go talk crap behind your back.. Even if you make the smallest mistake. The NO PLACE FOR HATE thing was a cover up to pretend that they are kind people.. when they actually aren't. They have a history of kkk and racism. Everyone is a teacher, administrator, or principal and etc as well.

Oh! Wow! Boyertown is so awesome!
Um.. No it's not!

What's at the end of Madison street!? (Blast from the past reference) BECAUSE BOYERTOWN REFUSES TO UPDATE!!!!!

by August 20, 2021