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1.The worlds best pornsite. 2. A female with large breast. 3. A synonym for the words awesome, cool, and bad-ass.

1.You've been spankin' it to Brazzers! 2. Dude that chick had some brazzers tits. 3. Yesterday I was bombin this hill on my bike and did the brazzers ass jump and totally blew a tire.

by poopsex42069185 October 7, 2009

473πŸ‘ 286πŸ‘Ž


A fine women with huge luscious breasts. They are usually found on the chest of pornstars.

"That bitch has huge brazzers"

by jsac January 31, 2008

683πŸ‘ 455πŸ‘Ž


Big fuckin tits! Awesome, big, round, usually fake tits too.

Dude, i jizzed all over your moms huge ass brazzers!

by C Kit February 13, 2008

624πŸ‘ 432πŸ‘Ž


The art of ejaculating on a women's face. It is particularly applicable when she is not expecting it.

Fuck man, I totally brazzered that native last night! She started sceaming, oh god my eye, why did you do that? It's burning....

by KAJP August 28, 2010

18πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


1)(Noun) A very OK porn site that you fantasise about after seeing their ad on Pornhub, and when you finally pay for a subscription, you realise that although it is very good, it is actually not as good as you imagined.
2)(Verb) When you log on to brazzers.com to watch some very expensive but good porn.

1)A:"What are you gonna do" B:"Brazzers"

2)420 braz it

by ZeTroll May 12, 2015

69πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


the second dimension of bro or a deeper term for your homeboy.

yo waddup brazzer!

Doug you ma brazzer

by waka flacka flamez October 13, 2011

116πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž


Means lit, dope, sweet, awesome. Originally an adult movie brand, a couple of dumbass drunk teenagers in Cancun decided to use it as lit to mess with their friends. Go Broncos, go pokes ;)

Bro, that’s fucking brazzers!
Mexico was brazzers as hell, so much fun

by brazzersruby June 5, 2021