Source Code

Mental Break-down

Most of the time you act like you are fine, there is nothing bothering you...then...You just start crying and crying and you feel like the hole world has turned and starting fighting you. And you just totally lash out with emotion! You can't stop......It's hell for anyone around while it happens
In side your mind you are crying, screaming,and just.....you just can't take it any more....

Your best friend has past on in a car accident and you are totally sad and crushed because they were the only person you could talk to about your emotions with......Later....you just have flown to your Vaca home and are ready to enjoy your 2 month vaca and you get a call...
Boss you hate: We need you here, and if you don't come in 2 hours I will fire you..

In your head...
You in your head: I just and I mean JUST landed at my vaca home and I have to fly back to my sucky work!!!! When I should be here with my best friend but they past on!!!
In rl:

You physically: Cry, scream, and Mental break-down

by Tryin to tell the truth July 4, 2018

59๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Iโ€™m Breaking down

It means that you arenโ€™t what you were earlier

Dude Iโ€™m doing amazing

Iโ€™m breaking down

by Eric Brunston January 3, 2020

Break Down Whore

Someone who thinks they are legit because they skip to the break down in every song, because they are so hxc like that brah.

Brocore kid #1: brah listen to 2:30 to 3:00 in that one august burns red song. Its soo sick. Its like ticka ticka ticka "I LOVE JESUS!" ticka china cymbal double bass combo ticka!

Brocore kid#2: MCMB's breakdown is so effin hardcore. its like ticka tick ticktickaaa tick! China cymbal! I like so want to throw down to that.

Brocore kid#1: So like brootal bro fah.


Brocore kid#2: hey come smoke these 27's with me brah and listen to breakdowns

Brocore kid#1: legitt fah!

Hardcore kid#1: Your such a fucking Break Down Whore

Kid who is so metal#1: Fuckin Slayer!
Satan! Fuck yeah!!!!

by soeffinlegitbrah January 3, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

breaking down

A word that is not know to "bob"

Bob, what do you say we break down?
Bob: No oh my gosh NO, that means we have 10 people doing nothing

by greg March 1, 2004

4๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž

break down your walls

Usally a boy saying to a girl in reference of 'hard sex'

Her: im a virgin
Him:ouu imma break down your walls

by Tiathawierdone January 7, 2018

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Break Up Break Down

The mental collapse that can occur after the end of a relationship.

Claire was in the middle of a big break up break down so got wasted.

by Clairian April 23, 2011

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

break it down

To explain at length, clearly, and indisputably.

"Break it down Oblio, break it down."

"Let me break it down for ya."

by dahv August 8, 2006

281๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž