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A sexy mexican astronaut with a tight ass, who can breakdance.

Maria: Who's that sexy mexican over there?
Enrique: Oh that's just Brennan .
Maria: I like his sombrero hat.

by Bonquishuh May 29, 2008

556👍 376👎


A boy who has mad hoes but he know he was to work for everything he wants to get he started off broke but rose up and got rich he is mostly white but some black and French he has friends of all races and ages. Brennan also is a beast in the bed and ladies are wet just thinking about him

Girl 1: Omg that dude is so hot

Girl 2: I know he is rich too
Girl 1: Oh he must be a Brennan

by Clb.4l March 3, 2019

10👍 3👎


A man of Irish and Welsh descents, he has blue eyes and blonde hair a wonderful smile and can make you laugh anytime. He is extremely attractive and is the kindest, greatest and most thoughtful man you will ever meet. this guy makes your day perfect<3

'Look at Brennan he is so cute!'

by Kennaonfire October 3, 2014

44👍 27👎


Brennan has a mangina!

Brennan has a mangina!

by Handydandyhankypanky August 4, 2019

10👍 5👎


A man who shoot the mcdonalds casher for not giving him his chicken nuggets. Also he loves eats KFC with Parnol

U see that brennan eating Fries with Parnol

by penguin3510000000 April 6, 2017

13👍 5👎


Brennan is an amazing guy.
Often tall and shirt less
He’s confident at times but sometimes loses it like when trees lose their leaves.
Girls want him
Guys want to be him

He’s a gentleman, hot, shy, beautiful eyes, sexy smile/smirk, messy hair, kinda freaking, good cuddler, knows what he wants and will go for it. Hides emotions and sometimes doesn’t know how to talk and let things out. He can be hard on himself.
He’s athletic, good at everything he does, doesn’t care what other people say, smart, funny, hot (again), gentle, polite, friendly, caring, smells good, blocked off, secretly nerdy.

If you have a Brennan in your life don’t let him go. He often gets over looked, but once you crack him open you realize how truly amazing he is. Brennan will give you everything and more. Watch out for Brennan’s… they only walk into your life if your lucky.

Girl 1: Look! There’s Brennan, he’s the best.
Girl 2: Ya. Definitely boyfriend material!

by Brennan ;) November 22, 2021


A, Tall, Usually German guy, with a kind heart but his words often come out wrong.

Very unorganized and goofy, but is secretly a freak in the bedroom.

Person 1: Yeah that Brennan guy is weird
Person 2: Yeah he says the wrong thing a lot

by HitchHiker43 April 29, 2020

19👍 11👎