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The perfect guy in the world. He is so sweet and kind. He's very caring and really athletic. As soon as he walks in the room everyone smiles. He has a heart of gold and will treat you like a queen. He has an amazing smile. The most amazing guy you'll ever meet hands down.

I love Brett so much

by Kaydanielle September 15, 2016

20๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


An amazing cute handsome man, usually a sweetheart can be an asshole at times but definitely worth it. A total gentlemen, opens doors for you and a clichรฉ man. Long eyelashes, the most amazing eyes, handsomest smile, cutest ears, tall and the most amazing husband you could ever ask for and going to be the best father for your children.

Heโ€™s amazing ainโ€™t he?

Yes, he really is, heโ€™s super handsome and such a gentlemen.

by T4bb1 November 24, 2018

27๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who is hot as fuck

Damn brett is hot

by Brett Chesley November 30, 2018

50๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy who can receive nudes from any woman within 5 minutes of knowing her or less.

Dang, that guy is such a brett

by Kronik MathSdebator November 8, 2018

57๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


cool, funny, nice, awesome, sweet, caring, honest; a person you can tell anything to, someone who will make you laugh when you want to cry; someone who thinks they have no one when really everyone cares about them; not judgemental; doesn't let stuff get to him; laughs at himself; underestimated; most likely plays a sport like baseball or football and just happens to be great at it; all around amazing kid who doesn't get enough credit from himself or other people.

p1: do you know brett?

p2: yeah, he's only the coolest person i've ever met.

by Christyyyy July 21, 2009

1405๐Ÿ‘ 610๐Ÿ‘Ž


Brett - one defining characteristic of a Brett is attention seeking. There are several types of Brettโ€™s and a Brett may exhibit attributes more than type of Brett.

The party Brett - loves to throw large parties to socialize and introduce new acquaintances growing his circle of old friends with new.

The competition Brett - will attempt any challenge where he may compete against a friend. Competition Brett is also an expert in fabricating implausible stories for battles of one-upsmanship.

The Ladies man Brett - always has a woman at his side. Unfortunately Brettโ€™s are often high maintenance partners and it takes a long time for a Brett to find a suitable partner. Juvenile Brettโ€™s can be seen with a different lady each month in some cases.

The Tinker Brett - of the Brettโ€™s the tinker subtype is the most introverted. A tinker Brett may spend months building something he can showcase to his friends in either a garage or workshop. A tinker Brett will either have a souped up sports car or a kitted our truck. You will never see a Tinker Brett drive, or even ride, in a Prius.

The best thing about Brettโ€™s is they are the glue that keeps communities together. Between the frequent calls to his friends and get togethers a Brett ensures a group stays together. Straightforward and simply spoken a Brett gets to the point and speaks his mind. Every group needs a Brett if they want to last.

Brett is a fascinating man

by Lolz999 November 16, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Double D, coolest most down to earth person you will ever meet. Claims he has great culinary skill but those have yet to be put to the test so we'll see on that. One of the smartest people you will ever meet. Very kind-hearted, chivalrous, handsome, sexy, sweeter than candy, sour patch kid for sure. Incredibly athletic, great at all sports, especially football and hockey. Old-fashioned in the best way possible. Always knows the right things to say. Definitely keeps people on their toes. Extremely funny, can make almost anyone laugh. He has the greatest personality in the world, with quite arguably the worst timing ever. He takes awhile to make his mind up. He has excellent taste in movies and tv and would watch them 24/7 if he could. Most down to earth cop/football player one will ever meet. Grammar police for sure. Very caring and all around awesome. Very easy to fall for as he is so sweet. lol He enjoys being single so he should soak it up as much as possible. Drives me bananas but at the same time you cant help but be all happy and giddy when talking or thinking about him. He might be the One but who could really know that. He is an all around amazing person and anyone who meets him falls in love with him, as they should. He is insanely tall but very much a gentle giant. Can take you to heaven if you're lucky enough ;)Definitely a keeper, if you meet him, hang on to him, or you just might lose one of the best things to ever happen to you.

Juice "Hey have you seen Brett today?"
"Ashley: Oh ya, he took my to heaven, it was amazing"

by JaxTigJuice December 5, 2013

133๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž