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Of or relating to the heaviest of death metal. Many people abuse the term and use it for reference to emo/scene grindcore bands. Most often, bands with technicality aren't really brutal due to an emphasis on talent and complicated riffs/structuring rather then heavyness, eg. Necrophagist.

Devourment, Inveracity, Sanatorium, Cephalotripsy, Wormed, Brodequin, Liturgy, Carnal, Digested Flesh, Viscera Trail, Internal Suffering, Artery Eruption, Disgorge(U.S variant more so, the mexican version leaning toward "sick" goregrind)

-There truly is no such thing a "brutal" grindcore, however the closest thing to grindcore brutality would most likely be Last Days of Humanity due to the agressive super heavy goregrind approach. The main limiting factor of grindcore preventing its brutality would be the length of the song coupled with guitar riffs with more of an emphasis on a style of agressive thrash metal than "slamming" death metal.

by Autolyticsociety July 5, 2006

396๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž


if referring to a person, a total badass, doesn't care what others think, just out there, with the truth and themselves even if it means getting put down for it... or like some rad hardcore shit, great metal ..brutal.

born of osiris is fucking brutal

that chick is brutal

by xgumbyx March 27, 2008

220๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž


Extremely ruthless or cruel
usually meaning metal, death metal, heavy metal...

or Crude or unfeeling in manner or speech.

Although at times people tend to use the word as
extreme, awesome, dope...

ex1: That bands album is brutal

ex2: The wrist piercing Rachel got is brutal !

by ughh kyle May 26, 2008

102๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


A combination between the word Brutal and Epic. Used to describe something beyond awesome.

Also, in some cases it's used to describe an event that results in the changing of underwear.


Guitar-head 1: Big-guy, did you hear the riffs on that new track?!

Guitar-head 2: Yea man, that stuff was Brutalic!

by AUGUR13 April 27, 2011


Brutalifil is a combonatation of the words beautiful and brutal. Used for anything that is extremely hardcore but done with beauty.

Dan: "Dude did you him save that falling baby going 80 mph on his motorcycle?!"

Brody: "Yea dude, that was brutalful!"

by Wellholycrapballs July 18, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word used to describe how heavy or fast and extreme a metal band is i.e. Death Metal. Generally doesnt apply to any other kind of music apart from metal as it fits this genre best.
Basically it is used loosley to describe how good the band itself is.

Have you heard that new Vital Remains album?...

its fucking brutal.


You guys heard ofbrutalized mortality...?

aww yeah they're pretty brutal.

by Tom Patchett September 16, 2004

156๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


To beat to death via rapid punches, kicks, elbows and knees to the body and head. If the victim attempts to block, then the gaurd will be attacked until dropped. Seen in Mortal Kombat.

Finish Him.

by Kung-Fu Jesus April 30, 2004

46๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž