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Burger King

A place that pretty much follows McDonalds everywhere, For instance, if you go to a McDonalds, 20 dollars says that Burger King will be a block away

Hey look there's McDonalds, Oh, and Burger King. 2 miles later Hey look there's McDonalds again, Oh, and Burger King..again.

by Hannah pwns your face May 12, 2006

1430πŸ‘ 449πŸ‘Ž

Burger King

Simular to McDonalds but a lot better.

Imma go to Burger King. It’s way better than McDonald’s

by Swag-o-Cato January 11, 2018

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Burger King

To suddenly appear in someone's face when they aren't expecting it. Bein all creepy like the Burger King in the Burger King commercial.

I shit my pants in terror when you Burger Kinged me as I came out of the bathroom.

by Jorge Junior April 1, 2010

97πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Burger King

Typically used in casual conversation in place of the phrase, "have it your way," as that is the slogan of the fast food resaraunt.

Man1:"Hey dude, can you give me five bucks?"
Man2:"No mate, I need that money for cigarettes."
Man1:"Awww come onnnnnn, gimmie the money!"
Man2:"FINE! Burger King, bitch. Now fuck off outta here."

by Kost Amojan September 19, 2010

34πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

burger king

Fast food restuarant u order burgers at. Better than Mcdonald's.

Boy 1: Lets go to Burger King

Boy 2: Yes let's go.

Boy 1: It is better than Mcdonald's.

by Player 2 December 30, 2006

852πŸ‘ 334πŸ‘Ž

The Burger Kings

The instantaneous diarrhea one gets upon consuming fast food, in particular an item from Burger King.

I was running late for work and had to grab a Whopper to go. Now I am late for work because I have been striken with "the burger kings".

by whodafuckizyoo November 14, 2011

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

burger king

the king of all the burgers!

The burger king said to all the burgers "hail all burgers, you will do all that i say, or else you will be sent to a scoogy resteraunt where you will be sentenced to death( by being eaten by living creatures.)

by chris h. November 26, 2003

952πŸ‘ 449πŸ‘Ž