Source Code


An STD , such as chlamydia

That bitch Alisha from north burning every nigga in the city

by Breezo March 24, 2018

87πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

it burns

An exclamation upon seeing something awful. The image is painfully seared into your retina like an acid burn.

Person A: Hey, check out this site called goatse. I promise it's not a rickroll.
Person B: What is that... AUGH, my eyes! It burns!

by Frankie1969 April 10, 2008

224πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


(1) slang: to disrespect someone (to diss); to make fun of someone; used by a third party after a first party makes fun of a second party. Brought back to life by the ever-popular That 70's Show.

(2) slang: to smoke marijuana or any other drug used with fire, to get high. see burn out

(3) verb: to char or scorch something using fire

(1) Child: "Mom, did people really use the word 'BURN!' in the 70's?"
Mother: "No."
Child: Oh, BURN!

(2) Stoner 1: Man, are we gonna get burnt out today?
Stoner 2: I don't know, it isn't 420

(3) Tony watched the logs burn in the fire.

by THE ALL KNOWING AMY May 5, 2004

1881πŸ‘ 501πŸ‘Ž


slang: to disrespect someone (to diss); to make fun of someone; used by a third party after a first party makes fun of a second party. Brought back to life by the ever-popular That 70's Show.

like when Kelso says to Hyde for getting busted by Jacky

Keslo: BURN!

by mdkushner February 15, 2006

139πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

burn in

Military term used to describe the action a paratrooper smacking into the ground after their parachute fails to open.

Damn! Did you see Johnson burn in. He must’ve bounced 20 or 30 feet in the air when he hit.

by Trav September 27, 2004

73πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

The Burn

The Burn is another name for the city of Lisburn in Northern Ireland!

Boy one: say something

by yeooo February 25, 2007

78πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


An exclamatory response, generally used by a third party after someone has just received an insult.

"She said you had a small penis? Oh, BURN!"

by Agrajag November 10, 2002

815πŸ‘ 332πŸ‘Ž