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short from of crap quality.

Camera phones aren't just LQ, they're CQ!

by Leroy Begley March 31, 2011

10👍 20👎


cussing quietly

I was CQ when my boss told me I heard to work late

by tbcornelis February 11, 2010

7👍 15👎


Claro que si... spanish for of course

- Is it true what you say?
- cqs!

by doloken May 14, 2007

15👍 6👎


Chuckling Quietly; instead of using "lol" or "lqtms"

John: Dude laura said she'd give me a quickie before class!
Hank: Cq she was talking to the chick behind ya!

by Sean2008 August 18, 2007

21👍 27👎

Cuntelligence Quotient (CQ)

A total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subtests designed to assess human cuntelligence

Cuntisha has a Cuntelligence Quotient (CQ) of 222
That truly is off the charts

by Jumbled McGobbledygook December 11, 2020

6👍 2👎