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dark cacao cookie

dark cacao cookie is a hot daddy dilf from a game called cookie run kingdom he is one of the 5 ancient cookies

person 1:”do u know that one hot dilf from that cookie game
person 2:”dark cacao cookie?”
person 1:”YESS HES SO HOT OMG”

by cookiehot February 26, 2022

14👍 3👎

dark cacao cookie

cold and bitter king that everyone including me simps for

From cookie run kingdom
One of the 5 ancients


also if he gets overwhelmed by his emotions (normally rage, anguish and pain) enough his soul jam turns him into a massive emo ghost thingy that looks like tricky phase 3 except with long hair and a torso

dont believe me look at the cutscenes or on tumblr

"Bro did you see dark cacao cookie"
"Yea he went beserk bro."

by emperorbelos April 7, 2022

9👍 1👎

100% cacao challenge

When a person challenges another to eat one whole Ghirardelli 100% Cacao Chocolate Bar.

Daniel Tosh "says it like eating chocolate flavored chalk"

Hey ever here of the "100% cacao challenge"?

No, what is it?

All you have to do is eat one whole chocolate bar within

1 minute.

what do I get if I win?


ok, I'll take that bet!

ok, here you go.
"Ahuuuuuuuh! Ahouhou! Ugh that's awful!"

ROTFL LOL...cacao bitch!

by Cacoa... October 6, 2010

22👍 11👎

Bianca capiobianco cacao

White chicks from Canada whose name probably originating from Italy . Also known as cerise625 or something like that. Frutiparc was her homeplanet before

Like we say in Quebec better be a Bianca capiobianco cacao than a DUNCHILIPS

by Herculeupercut May 30, 2009

cacao lemon milk egg

like milk egg but you add in feces and piss and let that ferment and stick you milk egg inside of this mixture and let rot obsorb and change color and repeat the last few steps of insertion eating her out and slurping up the juices

(person 1)hey me and susan did the cacao lemon milk egg instead of the milk egg today.
(person 2) why do i even talk to such a perverted fuck.you absolutly disgust me.

by attack i pod lemon May 15, 2021

Cacao immersion

It's that thing where one person takes a shit and doesn't wipe, then another person goes in the back door.

Just had a sweet cacao immersion with Carol, it was so steamy!

by Gangyuo September 24, 2020