Brooke: *phone falls out of pocket in class*
Aiden: “You dropped your calculator.”
Brooke: “Yea, thanks.”
Teacher: “What did you drop?”
Brooke: “My calculator.”
Teacher: “Ok. Get back to work.”
acting in a scheming and ruthlessly determined way
he was a coolly calculating, ruthless man
Acts intentionally to achieve something
Anyone who turns on their location for everyone when they are plotting is calculated (and a loser).
because they want others to see what they’re doing
for people too lazy to say "catch you all later".. saying it really fast makes it "calculator".. used especially when hurrying out of a friend's car.. or when done IMing or txting a group of friends or exiting a chat room..
me (IMing with more than 2 friends): hey gtg guys, calculator!
friend 1: i'll calculator too! bye!
friends 2 & 3: sure!
me (thanking friends for a ride home): thanks! calculator!
friends: hopefully soon!
26👍 8👎
Woah Ling Zhi is really playin' that calculator!
423👍 218👎
a mathematical determination of the amount or number of something.
"finding ways of saving money involves complicated calculations"
-something that any idiot can use as a cheat sheat(if programmable)
-but that few actually bother to program...
-TI 83
-TI 89 {to expemnsive to own, borrowed from calculus teacher}
-TI 92 {to expensive for school to own, borrowed from Texas insturments}
AnyIdiot: yo I wrote da answers too da test in my calkiladder....and i stull get dem rong
aFeW: I solved the problems in my head, and used the rest of my time to program my calculator to send instant messages, and emails.
56👍 36👎