You:can you be my friend?
Me the person writing this:yes
Short answer: No.
Long answer: I'm just an internet random just as you, so that means no one knows the other and by that we can't trust ourselves... But don't worry, there are many people in the world, may one wants to be your friend.
You: can i be your friend?
internet random: no.
If u call 1-800-LUDWIG he will make sure u can get u a little sister. Hes Organization is free just make sure ur mother is in the house and cover ur ear its going to be wild after that he will abonden u due child support evasion and wait 9 months and viola :)) bonus in this service is ur mother will get stds
ah man sucks to be u that u dont have a sister. Oh wait U WANT A SISTER? U WANT IT? U CAN HAVE IT MY FRIEND.