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check in with the chancellor

To act of advising your spouse or significant other about an event in which you wish to participate in that may be frowned upon. This person, "the chancellor" is able to veto the activity if and when they deem necessary, which is usually always.

"You wanna play cards with us tonight?"
"Yah, but I just have to check in with the chancellor first!"

by shadejack August 5, 2009

Supreme Chancellor

A position, undeniably a god-like status, that is predominantly desired among graduating seniors. It involves complete dominance over the associated student government, unquestioned supremacy over the land, and indubitable preeminence over any "Grand Overlord".

"I heard that Alan wants to run for Supreme Chancellor; it would truly be an honor to serve under him with ultra-enthusiasm!"
"The Grand Overlord is threatening to destroy my family! I must seek the Supreme Chancellor's unquestionable genius to stop him!"

by Wu Zhao Frederick February 17, 2008

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Chancellor middle school

Chancellor middle school is a school in virginia where the good kids and bad kids mix. Theres always some girls getting exposed for being lesbian or having a naked dance party, stoners, gamers, and alot of people who walk home. Chancellor has a tight rule system and kids tend to break it but none of the teachers care except for mr kneecap πŸ˜‚ dont go to chancellor if you have a choice if u wanna keep your virginity too.

boy; chancellor middle school is wack

by ohfuckingwellthennn May 1, 2019

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Imagine chancellor charter

A small school in the shape of an i where fake ass people go there teachers are bitches everyone talk behind everyone’s back, people say there gonna fight but never do, and the school lunch taste like LUNCHABLES DONT GO THERE:))

Thomas went to imagine chancellor charter, I felt so bad for him

by NBA youngboyy August 6, 2019

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chancellor high school

a school filled with a bunch of beaners good at soccer, you will find almost no preps (unlike bend) and a bunch of hoes. The school is completely trashed and garbage. won’t be hard to find because school is filled with stoners,beaners,hoes,almost no asians, no white people that act white, and a lot of gays and trannies.

jamarcus: what are we doing to night?
jose: we go to chancellor high school! *hits blunt*

by chancellorisodghetto October 18, 2017

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Chancellor High School

A school with the tightest kids in fburg. Filled with stoners, skaters, punks, scenesters, emos, preps, gangsters, wiggers, ho's, rockers, nerds, gamers, h4x0rz, pyros, jocks, artists, and hippies. Most of the teachers there are pretty dope. Courtland and Riverbend sometimes try to fuck up the road and the class rock. But end up getting their windows fucked and walls painted.

Also has a tight 14 set.

Chancellor High School

Dude 1: Who the fuck painted our rock?
Dude 2: Who cares? It's a fucking rock.
Dude 1: Word. Lets mack on some chicks.

by fburgmonster April 30, 2007

39πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Chancellor Middle School

Chancellor Middle School is the most ghetto middle school in Virginia. Don't, I repeat, DON'T go there.

Chancellor Middle School is so yucky.

by yourbestfriendfaye February 25, 2021