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Chicken Nugget

A derogatory name used against white people in black majority countries/regions - meaning “cheap white meat”.

White person: “Hello there
Black person: “Fuck off chicken nugget

by Nug Lord April 21, 2021

5👍 2👎

Chicken Nugget

What you call someone who is mean or stupid

( Person 1)Uhhhhhh Kaden is such a chicken nugget

( person 2) I know I hate him

he is so mean and or stupid

by Chicken nugget mage November 16, 2018

9👍 4👎

Chicken Nugget

A very beautiful delicacy made in only a few minutes. Often in its original form, it can also be in the shapes of extinct beast creatures far more past than our existence, like a dinosaur. It also comes with other shapes of other creatures only intellects will understand like a rhino, chicken, dog, etc..

Jacob, the spoiled fat 3rd grader, exclaimed, "CHICKEN NUGGETS ARE MY LIFE!!!"

by ThatGuyThatComesOutOfNowhere February 5, 2020

Chicken Nugget

What you call someone who is mean or stupid

( Person 1)Uhhhhhh Kaden is such a chicken nugget

( person 2) I know I hate him

he is so mean and or stupid

by Chicken nugget mage November 16, 2018

6👍 3👎

Chicken Nugget

What a person says instead of a curse word

Person 1: Hey, did you do your homework last night?
Person 2: OH Chicken Nuggets, I completely forgot!

by FourHundredZero January 22, 2020

4👍 1👎

Chicken Nugget

The act of throwing a handful of flour at someone just as they are about to step out of the shower as you scream "CHICKEN NUGGET!"

My wife had just finished showering when I ran into the bathroom and hurled a ball of flour at her and screamed "chicken nugget!"

by spazzedninny July 13, 2008

14👍 21👎

Chicken Nugget

the secret term for asain used by those who have come to accept the fac that asains are taking over the world as we know it. if the asain is accompanied by an asain child, then the term is chicken nugget with BBQ sauce. and if the asain is followed by a blonde haired person, the correct term of use is chicken nugget with a side of fries.

wow.. here comes a 2 piece chicken nugget, 3 BBq sauces and a side of fries.

by Very Very Observant April 19, 2006

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