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Dirty Chrisiely

When a person sucks there partners cock so hard that they give them blood blisters and/or suck the skin straight off of the penis.

Damn bro! My girl sent me to the ER last week after that Dirty Chrisiely!

by No mistakes September 7, 2021


A literally GORGEOUS queen. She is so awesome. Everyone wants to be like her. They do not envy her because they know they cannot catch up so they just admire her.

Look at Chrisi she is SOOO AwEsOmE and GoRgEoUs and PERFECTTT!!!!!

by ________n! November 20, 2021

Chrisy poo

A Fat Vacuum. Typically has big boobies and eats lots of chips. They are CONSTANTLY charging their controller and are Latino-Asian American.

You are such a Chrisy Poo

by Concreteman05 April 25, 2022


a Chrisie is an Angela’s best friend

casey: who’s your best friend?
chrisie: Angela!
casey: I should have known!!!!

by truthfulgal December 11, 2018


a chrisie is an angela’s best friend

casey: hey chrisie, who’s your best friend

chrisie: oh it’s angela

casey: should’ve guessed!!

by truthfulgal December 11, 2018

chrisy coon

a term to say to someone named chris to make them upset

you: chrisy coon
chris: aw

by TheReallyRealReel March 29, 2022


Chrisi-klö means by definition hary balls (Harry gersag)
It is often used to conter an argument or to say hello to your fellow friends

Ken: what is chris doing?
Karim: Chrisi-klö...

by Sifu5151 December 5, 2022