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Chum chum

Chum chum basically means banana. It's a social experiment to see if we can create new meaning to a word by Hank Green from Crash course on youtube.

The chum chum I bought last week is so delicous.
Not all chum chums are yellow.
My girlfriend likes chum chum.

by PirateKingPhoenix July 6, 2017

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


verb. to chit chat or talk friendly with another person.
also to mingle in a crowd, to kind of suck up (brown nose) with another. Usually at awkward church functions.

"Hey, where have you been?"
"I was over there chum-chumming with the Smiths. They are so weird."

by toasterheadtil September 17, 2008

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Noun. 1.a good friend, pal, or buddy..chummy.adj. to be friendly.
2.Shark bait composed of unwanted or useless fish parts. chummed; chummer; chumming; ect.
3.SLANG.Semen or sebum see also "smegma".

1.n."They are old chums"
adj."They are acting chummy"
2."I saw a chummer chumming with chum, he chummed all day"
3."Suck my chum!"

by Sullen January 25, 2004

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menstruating, the monthly act of vaginal bleeding

Don't go swimming in the ocean when you're chumming.

by Spider420 September 15, 2005

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chum it

When you don’t want someone to speak

Big tilly... fucking chum it bitch

by JillyBigTilly November 18, 2019


A jolly fellow who is your mate for life. A pal brought to you by fate who you will be best friends with for eternity.

β€œI was feeling really down until I met my chum”
β€œOh cool, what is he like?”
β€œHe’s my pal forever”

by Sweetcheex December 31, 2019


unwanted fish parts: guts fins and heads

sharks like fish chum

by flamedraguy May 26, 2003

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