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A person to copy work and tasks off. A Cluff gets made fun off on a daily basis for being smart. A person who does everything and excels in all areas of life (e.g dance, debate, sport, extra study times). A Cluff wears enormous pearl earrings that resemble satellites. . A Cluff has a critical view or opinion which regular people don't understand
An extremely smart person with a complex vocabulary used in her everyday life. A Cluff can also be used as a phrase you say after using an advanced spelling word or when you have done really well in school.

"That’s such a Cluff thing to do/say" , "yes I just pulled a Cluff" or "that's a typical Cluff move"

by puff ball June 20, 2019

2👍 7👎


If you have a very fat hand and hit someone with it, it isnt a punch or a slap it is a cluff.

Dave, Colin and Adam are the cluff boys

by Jay Clarkson February 18, 2005

19👍 18👎


The smell in a room after really dirty sex has taken place. Also, the smell of a room full of people watching porno.

Wow, that room smelled of cluff. Gross.

by fat tim January 18, 2004

7👍 23👎


To insert ones penis into another or ones own nasal cavity

Her: Babe will you Cluff me tonight

Him: No babe I'm sorry not tonight i want to Cluff myself

by Toothp ik December 25, 2021


To have sex

Hey man i heard you cluffed last night

by Person555 November 6, 2018


The hottest athletic family you’ll ever meet.

Other girl: they’re so fast and hot!
Me: I’m hungry bye

by sheprobablylikesyou October 19, 2019


A cutie that’s full of mystery, he acts normal but that’s just a front. He’s goofy, but serious. He has a sublime secrecy, but that’s what’s interesting about him.

Girl; William Cluff is so fast!
Friend; I know.

by sheprobablylikesyou October 19, 2019