Source Code


A girl(!) who spends much of her time acting randomly morbid. She enjoys sexual jokes, and gets a kick out of lame jokes, also. She enjoys long sexual nights with Tyler, proceeding hours of horror films. She loves Pals and frequently expresses this. She tends to make random loud noises and doesn't know what crass means. She isn't, though, so no worries.
Oh, and I hear she's a lesbian who won't take no shit from whores. Not ones in the commons, and not you! Unless your a hot girl, then she'll take you all night!

Woah, that girl is so Codi.

by HappybirthdayCodi! January 13, 2009

58πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


(male) someone who is a cradle robber OR very prone to getting a girlfriend that is jailbait. very attractive but dangerous. don't get involved with a codi if you don't want legal troubles in your future.

oh did you see that codi??

yeah he's so hot like the assistant baseball coach carlie got fired her sophomore year of high school
oh yeah,,, he was SUCH a codi!

by FHRITP42069 April 10, 2019


There's a lot of talk about female Codis, but male Codi's are a stunning sight to behold as well. They're beautiful, not in the most traditional way but there's something about them that makes it almost impossible for you to take your eyes off of them. Speaking of eyes, theirs are the most stunning you will ever see. They might think of themselves as completely average in every sense of the word, but anyone who truly knows them can see just how spectacular they are. They are wildly intelligent, kind, compassionate, funny, and unique. If you earn the right to be close to a Codi, treasure him because he's worth it.

Person: Wow, this guy is practically a work of art, in both physical and personality
Person 2: Yep, he's a {Codi} all right

by Quiet and Concerned December 2, 2019

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Codi is the biggest slut alive. She decides to go out with her best mates ex. (SHES A HOEEE)


by By heat August 6, 2018

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A female Codi is the worst person you’ll ever meet. She is beautiful but don’t be fooled, she is manipulative and will use you. Watch out. They will break your heart and leave you in pieces. A female Codi feeds off of other people’s despair. She is an attention seeker and will do anything for attention. Do not befriend a Codi.

β€œWoah! Look at her!”
β€œThat’s Codi - she’s the devil in a pretty package.”

by 14673256788 January 16, 2020

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Codi is gay.

Codi. Is. Gay

by By heat August 6, 2018

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A Cody is someone who loves very deeply who may have emotional scars as well.

Cody is someone who wishes the best for his/her/their friends. They will do their best to please people.
Cody is a wonderful person. They have a bright personality even though they maybe dull at times.
A Cody would love you for a long time. Cody will do as much as possible to keep the one they love content.
Cody can be secretive of they feel like they might get hurt if they open up.
Cody is a beautiful being.

Girl: Cody is something wrong?

Someone: Cody's stuff is over there

Other: Cody will be, has been, or was.

by Wannabe Would be June 9, 2018

533πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž