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College board

Created to ruin the lives of all high schoolers, especially in the United States of America. It is because of this website that many teens cannot live the life they want today.

E.g 1
Mom: You never reply ANY of my emails!
Teen: That's because 90% of them are FORWARDS from College board! You spam my inbox EVERYDAY!

E.g 2
Teen: I'm going to the mall to hang out with Kate!
Parent: Oh no, you don't! I just checked your SAT scores online College board and you are grounded for the next 4 weeks!

by CBhater July 11, 2008

308👍 21👎

The College Board

(noun) An evil government conspiracy created by corporate America to test all students "equally" through standards, when really they are creating a social hierarchy between rich kids who can afford tutors and poor kids who cannot. Though deemed a non-profit organization, they use much of the money from their "tests" to eat $1000 plates New York City. They hire evil masterminds to create tests devoted to ruining high schoolers lives by asking them questions on AP tests not pertaining to anything they have learned that year, or for that matter what pertains to doing well in college. They do not grade their supposed tests, and instead give rich kids the better scores allowing rich america to keep going to Ivy League schools, and the poor kids to community colleges. The rest of us receive scores by which The college board hires a room full of monkeys to throw darts at a dart board, and whatever numbers they hit are the scores you receive in the mail.

"Dude I didn't get accepted into any good colleges!"

"WTF? but you have a 4.0!"

"Yeah but The college Board said i got a 1600 on my SATs, apparently I'm not good enough to go to college"

by samuraichikx June 6, 2009

169👍 13👎