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Bukake shank combi surprise

For one or several male(s) to ejaculate in a glass cup, then break the cup and use it to shank somebody, the surprise is that nobody will see it coming.

When Roy was rejected by that girl in the club, he proceeded to prepare and administer a bukake shank combi surprise to said girl.

by Plug3 April 5, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž



OH thereโ€™s that bitch combi. heโ€™s fucking dog shit

by fish837 April 1, 2022


1.Combi (noun) is a Rebisco Combi Cracker that use a Group Selfie of 3 or more
2.Combie (verb) a groupfie of 3 or more

A Combi of 5 people in this photo

by Pen Cocjin March 12, 2021


It's a person that likes to combined costume on halloween or another parties.

"Do you know AmazingPhil, he is a sweetheart YouTuber, and a Combi-person"

by hcsophia November 24, 2015


The act of being Combied

Im going to comby you so hard.

by Comby January 10, 2021


Communist homies.

"Call the combies, tell 'em we got cappie beef."
- Neo-communist

by supradragunov7 February 16, 2011


Combie a fountain like the tevla for taking pictures.

Two dealers cannot sleep in the same park at the Combie it would be war the Combie like Tevla fountian is for taking pictures.

by Lmwaoelvis September 15, 2023