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The process of turning a girl you've just met, or don't know well into a hook-up in the course of a night.

Nick: I met this sexy-ass bittie the other night at Starbucks and we walked around for a little while.

Joey: Did you convert on her?

Nick: Yeah I got dome in the back of my car!

Al: I converted on this girl I met at Melanie's party.

by kJoey May 19, 2009

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1-When the weather blesses you with the ability to drop the top on any convertible.
2-when a person has on two outfits at once and can transform and convert to different climates, ex Alaska in January to Miami in January...

(ex1)Bro 1-Dave flew in from Knome this morning and we picked on him because he didnt bring shorts.
Bro 2- Yeah what a bum convertability is sooo important.

(ex2) Wow it went from eighty with sunshine to sixty with rain, its a good thing we have convertability, i feel sorry for those bikers lol.

by The Great Dunnski March 30, 2010


Popular rapper Jonathan Lyndale Kirk, or DaBaby (formerly, Baby Jesus), born in Cleveland, Ohio, is said to have turned his friend into a convertible sports car on the 4th of March 2019.

'Hopped out on a whole other wave from these n*ggas
Let's see one of you little n*ggas top that
I will turn a n*gga into a convertible'

by DJHugeDong April 9, 2021

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1.) When a person who is devouted on their religion, tries to press their beliefs on others hoping they will join the religion

2.) Hypocrits i.e. Republicans who walk around telling people their going to hell unless they become part of their religion (when they themselves are sinners)

Christian Man: knocks on door
Jewish Man: opens the door and says "hello?"

Christian Man: "Hi! i'm from the christian chruch down the street."

Jewish Man: "And?"

Christian Man: "I came here to tell you that your worshipping the wrong religion, Jesus was our messiah and we messengers of God think that you should convert or else when you die you'll go to hell where your worse nightmares will true and suffer extreme pain for all eternity...... won't you please join the gospel"?

Jewish Man: Slams door and locks it

by Da Master K July 4, 2006

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a guy who has foreskin and can pull it back (take the top off, convert...) when he wants to have a good time. aka pulling a jerry

yo that guy last night went from a ford torus to a porche as soon as he used his convertable.


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When cars are used as metaphors to describe girls, a convertible refers to one who opens easily. A slut.

Sindy: "Jeff is on POF!???"
Cindy: "Yeppp. I would totally go convertible for him."

by salocin April 12, 2014

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That one guy with a toupee everyone knows is a toupee but thinks no one else knows

Roger: Man, we sure had a good time at the club.

Harvey: Yes. Did you see the convertible ?

Roger: Yes. He didn't think I saw him take out the garbage in the morning with it all the way removed.

by cut the cards March 8, 2023