To grant permission to anyone to copy anything you write on the condition you are credited or identified as the original source.
If you fail to comply with the one condition of the copywrite privilege, you are violating my rights. I have never wanted to hurt you but I can add to my bucketlist...*.Dasafac Jack
A contemporary term for Copywriting. It's usage is highly debatable; however, some copywriters feel that rhythmic patterns and "flow" is, sometimes, more important than perfect grammar. is a perfect example of preference over proper usage of grammar.
"Knowing how to say today's h3ll0 - John Doe - Copywrite"
NLP Copywriting is the art of using Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques in written content to influence and persuade readers. By understanding how language patterns affect the subconscious mind, NLP copywriters craft messages that resonate deeply, encouraging specific actions or emotional responses. This approach is widely used in marketing and sales to enhance the effectiveness of communication.
"The ad's success was largely due to the NLP copywriting techniques that made it so compelling."