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It is a small town in New Jersey. It is known for its excessive drug and alcohol abuse. The number of drug and alcohol users is rapidly increasing. It might not be suppected as a bad town because of its historic sites. Like many towns, Cranford's social status is divided by the traintracks that pass through it. The north side be the richer, and the south side being the poorer. Mohawk park is on the south side of Cranford. It is believed that at night there are satanic rituals and supernatural events. Also, a dead body was found in the river of Mohawk Park. One of the most popular hang outs is the imfamous clock. Cranford is a corrupt town with corupt cops. The town of Cranford is becoming worse and worse.

Where can't you find drugs in Cranford, and where can't you find a place to do them.

by a drug user of Cranford October 23, 2006

46👍 72👎


a small town in union county new jersey seperated by the north and south. The south side is conisdered lower class, but there is nice parts of it. The North side is considered upperclass. Many famous figures live in cranford such as Tyler Irwin. The highschool is full of many drug dealers and "potheads". Downtown Cranford is the shit, but any other town would rape us at any sport.

Cranford is the shit, watch out for the pothead

by Chris Llama May 29, 2008

20👍 56👎

cranford community school

Cranford community school when it comes to education wise it’s really good but the teachers their are dickheads such as mrs Ledlie who is a stuck up bitch mr Singh is just some rude guy who thinks he’s funny then you got the fat bastard mr Prunty the head of the school coming with thease next up rules like phone gets confiscated for a whole year like and moves stingy by not letting you take the sim out like what a bitch and then you got yr 11 who just beat 24/7 such as Yasmin and zac and Fatima and amrik who she gives blow jobs to and then you got zara the hoe who sucks guy of moving on you got the year 10 who are bare loud for no reason always causing beef then there’s the year 9 you got the” wannabe” group shall I say who make caous for no reason and thing there the shit which there not but then you got the nice people in the year who actually have decenty and respect for themselves unlike others then theirs the year 8 well tbh there just in love crisis right now all you can see is relationship their then you got the year 7 well there just cancelled you can’t even see half of them but they have loud mouth and they think there bad loool let’s speak bout the teachers who are actual bitches and cunts who out here seeing if you wearing the right uniform like did I come to school to learn it see if my ankles are showing or if I’m wearing a Gucci belt or if I’m chewing gum like pattern please well that cranford for you guys enjoy (🐍)

Cranford community school is a shitty school tbh with you x

by Unknown snake🤫🐍 April 9, 2019

12👍 5👎

John Cranford

The realist guy you could ever know! He’s known as darksin and very attractive from his wonderful smile to his playful ways. John Cranford can be a lot of things just depends on how you meet him. If I’m being honest everyone has a little John Cranford in them! He is well known for beating niggas ass and asking questions later. Don’t come at him the wrong way because you just might get hit!

Word around town says his previous lovers can’t stop thinking about his Big Johnson Sausage wink wink

Other than John Cranford’s charming and fighting ways and his big Johnson he has a soft side that not many people see. He is caring very attentive and smart!

Like I said before John Cranford is many things but the real question is what is he to you??

Wow have you ever met John Cranford! He is amazing

by Christyonne November 21, 2023

Cranford Guys

They are a bunch of spoiled little white kids who fuck anything they see, from a dog (literally happened) to a tree, or even a real-life girl if they are lucky. If they are in a relationship they are more than likely cheating. They say the n-word so much that you need to do a double-take on what year this is. Other than that, in their free time they vape and smoke marijuana.

"This guy got me high, and I let him hit just to find out he has a girlfriend of 2 years"
"Was he one of those Cranford Guys"

by lastloss November 5, 2023

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