Crescent Moon Eyes
/Cre-cent/ /Moo-n/ /I-ss/
1. Anyone with Monolid eyes, or epicanthal folds, and eyelids shaped commonly seen in people of Asian descent.
Crescent Moon Eyes
noun and adjective
"I saw a Korean girl with beautiful Crescent Moon Eyes, and I asked her out on a date."
Crescent Moon Eyes
/Cre-cent/ /Moo-n/ /I-ss/
1. Anyone with Monolid eyes, or epicanthal folds, that has eyelids shaped commonly seen in people of Asian descent.
Crescent Moon Eyes
noun and adjective
I saw a Korean girl with beautiful Crescent Moon Eyes, and I asked her out on a date.
Crescent Moon Eyes
/Cre-cent/ /Moo-n/ /I-ss/
1. Anyone with Monolid eyes, or epicanthal folds, have an eyelid shape commonly seen in people of Asian descent.
Crescent Moon Eyes
noun and adjective
"A Korean girl with beautiful Crescent Moon Eyes, crossed my path and I was starstruck."
Crescent Moon Eyes
Monolid eyes, or epicanthal folds, are an eyelid shape commonly seen in people of Asian descent.
Crescent Moon Eyes
I saw a Korean girl with crescent moon eyes the other day and I fell in love at first sight.
The act of beating off in a king sized bed with 5 other men licking your asshole and one other man licking your nipples.
The boys and I performed the Crescent Moon with no adult supervision.
Adj. Describing an emo with a flip of hair, usually colored an inky black, obscuring his or hers' face (usually one eye).
Phil: Hey Jimbob, why are there all those crescent moon faces hanging around that store?
Jimbob: There must be some sale on razers, eyeliner...or something.