Source Code

Crimson Grenade

When a menstrating girl is in a fight and throws her tampon at her victim. This is an attempt to stun her victim and achieve the upper leg.

"Shit when Jenny used the crimson grenade on Ally we all knew the fight was over."

by Jajoo July 11, 2015

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Crimson Grenade

When two girls are having a fight and one pulls her bloody tampon from her vagina and throws it at the other.

"Did you see the fight between Donna and Jackie?" "Yeah man! Donna ended it with a crimson grenade!"

by Juggs87 July 11, 2015

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Crimson Grenade

When a girl pulls out her tampon and throws it at someone.

When I was a sophomore these 2 girls got in a fight in my Spanish class and it escalated to the point where the one girl realized her best option was to take out her tampon and throw it across the room - otherwise known as 'firing the Crimson Grenade'

by Sordid Shuang July 11, 2015

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Crimson grenade

The act of taking out one's tampon and flinging it at one person or a crowd of people with the intention of:
1) transferring any blood-borne diseases the thrower currently has

2)disgusting those in the blast radius of the grenade to the point that they vacate the landing site.

When Emily realized the line at the grocery store was too long, she lobbed a crimson grenade toward the crowd; clearing out the rest of the customers and allowing her to advance to the front of the line.

by Metcalfone July 11, 2015

crimson grenade

The act of pulling out ones bloody tampon and throwing it at someone.

Lisa was such a bitch today in spanish class,i'm glad Karen tossed a crimson grenade at her.

by cswooll July 11, 2015

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crimson grenade

A used tampon being thrown for combat

When i was a sophomore these 2 girls got in a fight in my spanish class and it escalated to the point where the one girl realized her best option was to take out her crimson grenade and throw it across the room

by awesomeguy6678 July 11, 2015

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crimson grenade

The act of removing a tampon and throwing it at someone.

r: "When i was a sophomore these 2 girls got in a fight in my spanish class and it escalated to the point where the one girl realized her best option was to take out her tampon and throw it across the room. "

f: "Ah, the old Crimson Grenade trick."

by Brandon Dowell July 11, 2015

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