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crock potting

The act of leaving your dick in a chicks ass after you come to let it just cook inside her.

Damn! That chick let you crock pot her. What a slut.
Girl: Get your dick out of my ass!!
Guy: Hell no bitch! I'm crock potting.

by Big$exy May 27, 2007

37๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crock potted

Crock potted: the act of putting more than one dick in an ass.

You could hear the ocean after he got Crock potted.
That dudes ass looked like a crock pot of vienna sausages at a party.

by Irishbackrub February 7, 2017


Placing food in a Crock-Pot and subsequently having sex until the food is done, usually for 4 to 6 hours. A post sex feast would ensue, thus providing fuel for more sex.

"What are you doing for spring break?"

"Well my girlfriend and I will be Crock-Potting almost everyday, so that will take up the majority of my time."

by shirtlessphantom March 9, 2012

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To enter a restroom for the purpose of vomiting after someone defecated...and they didn't warn you knowing you were going to vomit.

My girlfriend took a shit in the restroom and when I went to vomit she didn't warn me...She "Crock-Potted" me.

by New York Bunny March 24, 2014

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The Crock Pot

When you think you have to fart, but shit your pants and don't have anywhere to clean up within a reasonable amount of time (maybe while driving / hunting / fishing). A Shart which becomes trapped between the cheeks, stewing and brewing and warm as can be. You just carry it home with you like a crock pot!

My buddy went fishing and brought home a full Crock Pot, a classic wet shart situation, and all because he had nowhere to properly clean himself off, and wasn't going home anytime soon! He simply brought the crock pot home with him.

by LabMaster S.J. December 24, 2022


Going to a friend's house when they are not home, shitting in their toilet, closing the lid and letting it simmer until they find it upon their return.

Matt Parish has been the perpetrator of several horrific crock-pottings.

by Davy Crockett September 10, 2008

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crock pot

When one takes a monstrous repugnant shit and then without flushing immediately takes a scolding hot shower. The door and all the windows must be shut and the toilet seat must be up. If all these steps are taken then the feces will cook and fester resembling the effects of a crock pot.

Guy 1 "What did you do last night?"
Guy 2 "My roommate was pissing me off so I left him a filthy crock pot.

by Podaddy June 21, 2009

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