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a sexual term by pedophiles to young kids

Why do you like cunny/cunnies you pedo

by everybodyloveschris July 17, 2018

612πŸ‘ 512πŸ‘Ž


Pet name for a woman's vagina.

I would love to see your cunny, baby.

by JDiddy2Pretty September 27, 2015

72πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


An Australian term of endearment used between male friends. Also a term given to a female's hairy sausage pocket.

Hey cunny how are you, long time no see.

That little cunny is a dead set champion.

by R Yenarg July 26, 2005

81πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž


Its a bahamain/Jamacain slang that stand for a female pussy

Yuh daddy and he stink cunny

by Haitian/Bahamain gyal July 19, 2019

26πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


Child pussy: used by twitter users and lolicons (pedophiles) to refer to a loli's (anime female child) vulva

used to mean woman's external female reproductive parts. a variant of the word cunt.

uohhh uohhh cunny :sobbing emoji: :sobbing emoji: most commonly seen under posts of lolis and or loli porn

by 3MAR00SS,ShinRaBanShō ( ΰ² β€Ώΰ² ) August 17, 2022

79πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž


Bahamian slang referring to vagina, lady part, pussy

Tell Yandy carry ha Cunny!!!!

by 242inyaCYC August 21, 2016

14πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


A term used to describe a vagina/pussy, almost always of a loli/underage character. Chances are if you hear or see somebody use this word they are in one shape or form a pedophile.

"I'd love to fuck that cunny."
"What the fuck? She's not even legal in any country."

by hawn hawn baguette January 9, 2023

60πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž