Source Code


A girl who is very very cute, adorable and capture your eyes. Being cute with a oomph.

She was so cutesie I just had to talk to her.

John: "Hey, cutesie, mind if I know your name"
Jane: "Hey, I'm Jane"

by Szar May 4, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The belief system of which you must act cute towards everyone you meet to get your way.

Megan : Come upstairs with me, I don't want to be alone.
Stephanie : I do stuff alone all the time at your house, you can do it!
Megan : But... I'd rather be with.. you~ <3
Stephanie : Wow, I didn't know you were into Cutesieism!

by StephaaRas July 13, 2010


a word that proves lawson wrong because it's in a dictonairy. it means really cute / adorable :)

me being tied for lawson's 2nd best friend is cutesy

by deeisacoolkid March 28, 2009

27๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


A really cool girl who you like a lot
Who ur not afraid to open up 2 or sneek out 2 hang out wit
In other words a gurl ho u luv with a passion
A real strong passion

Donovan: SO what r u doing 2nite cutesie
Courtneycutesie: Nothing im soooooooo bored would u sneek out 2nite and hang out with me
Donovan: Sure don't mention it
Courtney: Thnx i luv u sooo much 4 this
Donovan: i luv u 2

by Secret~Crush~Kid June 11, 2005

16๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A picture of something or someone that is cute.
Mostly uploaded to social media but not always.
May be in the form of a 'Selfie' but not always.

Mary took a cutesie of her dog licking her cat.
Bob has a cutesie of his daughter giving the middle finger on his phone.

by The Sanguine Ninja January 21, 2014

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Can be applied to any situation in which you are faced with a disgusting and horrid object slash event. Slight code, others will think you are being a jovial person but truly you are expresing you hatred from the pit of you sea of raging emotions deep within your poon.

Kip=Do you like my shirt?
ND=It's cutesy.
Kip=It kinda serious but I like the rim in black so I guess it's kinnda serious.
ND=Heck yes.

by Crystal Poon March 11, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


Girls who like to take an hour or more to get ready, to look good.

Girls like to look cutesie.

by Sarahbabiee90 January 20, 2011

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