A thing like copyright that makes a game ugly and worse as the ratings go down as hell. This happened to digworm.io.
It also removes the game, also destorying the developers reputation. It is also a thing that must never exist. People that DMCA claim other people are very hungry for money while the other people cry in misery. The people that DMCA claimed them are also laughing at their misery.
YOU are a sinner if you have DMCA claimed someone.
i will call the cops on you if you dmca claim someone, really.
Bob: Oh no! I got a DMCA claim and I redesigned it before they stole my money!
Bob's Mom: Shit, now your game got uglier! You're grounded for 1 month! No Games and No TV!
Bob: I hate you mom. It was their fault. *cries*
Jerry: I love my game! I hope nothing bad happens to it!
Jerry: Grrr! My game got DMCA claimed! GAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
Jerry: *Smashes Evrything in the room and his £120,000 PC Setup*
The person that DMCA claimed Jerry: *demonicly laughs at Jerry's misery*
Jerry 2 weeks later: *starves and dies*
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A rediculous hacker friendly law that disallow the use of firewalls just to crack down on unauthorized duplication of media.
Thanks to the Super DMCA, a lot of computers in Michigan have been hit by Cyber Terrorists.
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You've already typed out urban dictionary browse categories vote store blog, define.php?term=, Type any word..., and Top Definition, but you're still so bored i want to die, so you have to search what's on the right side of the dictionary.
Raven: dude stop saying you're bored. Get up and do somethin'.
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" what if i copy this and paste it im sure I'll get something funny ahahahahah "
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So you just decided copy paste the text written on the right side. Well congrats you have reached a boredom level above the scale.
Person 1: I am the most bored person on Earth
Person 2: I searched © 1999-2021 Urban Dictionary ® • advertise • terms of service • privacy • dmca • bug report • help • blog • data subject request on Urban dictionary
Person 1:You are clearly more bored.
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Why the fuck did you type this
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When you just become so incredibly bored that you search for the text with a gif on the right side of a definition.
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