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To masturbate on a wall or another inanimate object.

I decorated the books in the library.

by CraigZ May 5, 2005

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A group of homosexual men.

A school of fish, a murder a crows, a flock of seagulls, a decor of poofs.

by bunsen burner January 16, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


How a dumb blond says "decorative".

Girl 1: That hat is so pretty! Are the zippers on it functional?

Girl 2: No, they're just decorational.

by Captain.Cupcake December 13, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a person is being really extra and rude but you have to deal with it while being polite and restrained

Man, my sugar daddy wants me to visit him in his office every week, but I want money to pay for my clothes so I have to be decorous.

by rocketchocolate May 10, 2017

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a girl is all looks and no brains.

"Jessica is such decor . "

by Mebitches12123itisitisme October 4, 2017


Drinking during the holiday season.

At Thanksgiving this year the adults said we are going to "D" and Cook all day, "D" meaning drink, the 7yr old child says, "I want to Decorate too! "D" means Decorate right??" And a new cover ID was born.

So let's get decorated this holiday season.

"Let's decorate!"

I have been decorating since noon!

"I'm officially decorated..."

by IrishSmalls November 26, 2010

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A Decore is performed when a Male ejaculates his seminal fluids into the hair of his female partner, who proceeds to vigorously rub the semen through her hair as though she is starring in the famous Decore shampoo TV add

I was sick of giving Abraham Lincolns so I gave her the Decore treatment

by Micky the V October 14, 2010

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