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Deka Haze

A Signature Move involving a reach around from a feminine chubby black male..

That porn was full of Deka Haze.

by EyeDrvaforrunner March 14, 2019

5👍 2👎

Bijubon Deka

Usually used to define people whom you can abuse in assamese language.
Used to express anger.
Also used to your weak gameplay at the other person
Can be beaten too
Not edible though

boy 1: Kela Bijubon Deka ki renda beh.
boy 2: Damn i remember Bijubon Deka keeping my copy of GTA 4 for like 5 years and not returning it.

by Shihiro Taiyo January 24, 2021

Dirty Deka

A girl with a fat bunds and a great personality who deserves to be spoiled

Damn I need to find me a dirty Deka to spend this money on

by User17182929291 August 31, 2021

deka wall

When you're playing Star Wars Battlefront and a group of droidekas are blocking a hallway

"dude Im sick of these fucking Deka Walls"

"I know dude, they always fill the CIS hallways"

by BioBabies148 January 27, 2020