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Dem, when used for a name, is for amazing people who don’t see there own beauty. They don’t like talking about themself but when they do they can ramble on for hours.

“Whose that?”

“Oh them? That’s Dem! Their adorable, aren’t they?”
“…yeah. Nothing quite like them huh.”

by KenKitten August 27, 2021

2👍 3👎


Dems represents a language tic, a bit like "ayo". It can represent several emotions; disgust, fear, surprise or even joy. It can be used in all contexts: family, friends, teachers ... It can also be derived by a Dams or even for the most naughty, a Doums.

Yo, i got a 98 on the math exam, dems.

Your car is so expensive, dems !!!

-You are very kind and gentle
-Dems, thank you. You are very kind to.

by KingOfPouissance April 12, 2021

18👍 3👎



Eat 'dem all!

by Fangsta March 17, 2003

38👍 15👎


A alternate term for "damn" that is used by many teenage boys on chats. The word eventually moved into the spoken vocabulary of such boys.

Similar to the word "shee," which is an alternate form of "shit."

Brosef911: Yo how long does the phys hw take
ImAwesome69: bro like 6 hours
Brosef911: dems
ImAwesome69: shee, inorite

Bob: dude look at that girls ass
Joe: dems thats some fine booty
Bob: shee, inorite

by ElBandersnatch September 8, 2010

80👍 49👎


is the abbreviated term or short for the word demons. Demons, or personal demons, can be used for someone's ongoing problems they face. It can be the result of anything that is negative. It can also apply to things; malfunctions of equipment, and items not functioning to it's normal use.

Someone who suffers from alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addictions, would all be examples of DEMS.

"I have mad gambling dems because i spent all of my life's savings away."

DEMS in relation to things:

"My car's engine light keeps turning on, and my brakes suddenly aren't working," would suggest someone has car dems.

by jammendolea May 29, 2011

50👍 35👎


Democrats, either individual voters or their party organization. An abbreviation used by political insiders.

Dems are voting as a block this year - no way to shake it.

The dems and reeps both want to stop third parties from getting any momentum.

by vanilla g-lotto December 20, 2004

23👍 15👎


Shortened for deus ex machina, a term used to describe sudden plot twists in works of anime, movies, and other stories, normally involving a hero's fight against a villain, and favoring the hero, allowing him to win by otherwise unused methods within that fight.

DEM normally involves the hero getting beaten to a pulp until somehow ascends in power and uses that to destroy the villain in a matter of one or two hits.

by Durango October 17, 2007

83👍 77👎