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Demons, unlike Daemons, are extra-dimensional creatures that often descend from rifts within the universe to feed upon raw energy, like that of the human brain. Demons are, in a way, similar to Gods, except that Gods are N-th dimensional beings, whileas Demons are limited in which dimensions they may traverse. Demons can often ascend into more dimensions by collecting enough raw energy from either organic beings or energy beings, so as to be able to break through the wall between dimensions. Once thought of as aliens, Demons are now known to have entered this solar system through an inter-dimensional rift near Titan. They have so far been able to infiltrate Area 51 and many other Government compounds, but the Political leaders of earth have struck a deal, allowing the Demons to feed on any organisms but humans first. They are of higher dimensions than we, so we are thus unable to percieve their true forms. They can appear as anything to us, even remain entirely invisible if they wish to.

His dreams were filled with nightmares of scaly-hided beasts with horned heads, and leathery wings. The one who could see demons, the demon-killer, had been awoken.

by detranova January 22, 2004

260๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž


Originally, a demon isn't the red-skinned, evil, almost pop-culture seeming, horned beast that religions like Christianity has made it today. In Greek mythology, the word "demon" derives from the word Greek word "daimon" which essentially means that it's a godlike creature (If not a god on its own). Daimons served as a type of messenger to the Gods as a means of communication with the humans. An example of a common daimon messenger in Greek mythology is the Satyr.

Man, don't you hate when people think that demons are a Christian thing exclusively?

by DankMemeConnoisseur April 22, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) A dark figure, believed to be red and with wings and horns, was said to be a minion of Satan, and had the job to wreak havoc in ordinary people's lives. Pictured alot in mythology and in children's books.

2)A biolabs chemical composer. Usually has more than 3 irregular limbs and a tentacle/exposed brain. seen alot in North Carolinas' Technology park.

1) "I used to think demon posession was just a load of flameing crap, but after my neighbor's young daughter cut a "666" shape in my sons abdomen, slurped out his large colon then ate his crap for dessert, I believed she was indeed posessed. (Then I got my hick pal to shoot her in the pussy...twice.)"

Sam: That guy has a fucking tentacle for a dick! And he's just letting it flap out in the wind like its no big deal.
maS: Meh, must be a Demon.

by hanes May 6, 2005

436๐Ÿ‘ 328๐Ÿ‘Ž


A demon is not a kind of spirit, for a demon was never human at all. Demons are part of the group of angels that followed Lucifer in his "rebel" against the God most people believe in (that part may not be right). Demons can harm you. Do not provoke a demon. If you feel there is a demon in your presence, try saying this, "I banish thee in the name of Jesus." A demon should fear the Lord's name and run away. Like the cowards they are.

A Demon used to be an Angel

by bluuskkye77 September 26, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Demons are the Gods of the pagans. Demons are not evil or fallen angels. Demons are the good guys not the bad guys ! They are extraterrestrial very advanced beings in origin. They have very developped spiritual powers and most don't live on Earth currently. Satan is the leader of the Demons, he is also the father of the aryan (white) race and the best ally/protector of humanity. Good and evil have been turned upside down by christianity/islam in order to enslave people. The evil "gods" jehovah/allah are simply collective groups of evil aliens that want humanity enslaved while the friendly aliens (the Demons under Satan) want humanity to develop and be free. To learn more about Demons go to joyofsatan.org

Demons are the Ancient Gods, and deserve our respect. Stop slandering/ attacking Demons ! When approached honestly and friendly Demons are usually nice. To communicate with Demons you need to enpower yourself spiritually through power meditation. To learn more about Demons go to joyofsatan.org

by Satanic Snake May 26, 2017

16๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Wife, girlfriend, someone you wanna smash.

I love my Demon, she fine as hell

by 6uggs January 26, 2021

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A demon is a girl, who on the hotness scale can range anywhere from a 4 to an 7 but with the use of tricksy tactics can increase her image by 3 to 4 points!

Here are some useful tips to spot a demon.

1. Ask your friends, "is she hot?" If there is a general argument as to if she's hot or not, most likely she's a demon trying to break your friendship apart.

2. If she's wearing sunglasses, she's either trying to keep the sun out of her eyes or hide the fact that she's a demon. the latter statement is probably the most plausible. Remember the bigger the glasses, the more she's trying to hide.
3. This ones almost a dead giveaway every time. If the "Demon" in question is standing near a bunch of ugly chicks, she's trying to make herself look better.

Here are some tips to defeat demons.
1. This way is the best. Have a very beautiful woman with you at all times ( an Angle). the angle will vanquish the demon, and help demons stand out in crowds, for easy aversion.
2. Yell DEMON very loudly and run away. This will alert everyone around and the demon will be foiled, forcing it to practice its black magiks elsewhere.
3. Use common evil vanquishing tactics, i.e.: swords, silver bullets, garlic, etc.
4. Have a Worlock/Druid/Wizard. assist you. Worlcks/Druids/Wizards know spells to send the demon backeth weherth cometh.

-innocent young man:

Oh, i'm so stoked for mission trip, there will be so many babes.
-Innocent young man 2: i know right.
#mission trip begins#

innocent young man 1: there are no hotties on this trip what a rip off of $600
-Innocent young man2: I know right.
#3 days into mission trip#

IYM1: hey that babe is pretty bablisious right?
IYM2: no man she's just slightly better looking than all the other girls.
IYM1 and IYM2: .... (look at each other) DEMON!!!!

by gorillazzord August 29, 2010

34๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž