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Fiber Deposit

A slang term for a bowel movement.

I'll be back in 45 minutes. I've got to go make a fiber deposit

by Steve_Juggernaut March 17, 2011

Direct Deposit

Right before ejaculation, shoving ones penis down the throat of the recipiant thus directly depositing the goods into the stomach.

She said that she didn't like the taste so I gave her a direct deposit.

by JJB1600 January 5, 2009

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deposit fucked

The "ole deposit scam." The art of taking ones rental deposit monies for personal gain. A tactic used by landlords to keep deposit money, by making bogus claims. Common claims are not having the place "professionally cleaned" and reporting missing items (that were probably not in the place to start with)

i just got deposit fucked by my landlord for not cleaning the top of the light shade.

by messyp April 1, 2009

make a deposit

to shat, or to take a shit.

Hey man where are you going?
Im going to the bank to make a deposit

by Big Poppa 1984 November 25, 2004

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cum deposit

Giving a girl your cum

Girl are you ready for my cum deposit.

by Ding December 5, 2016

Husky Deposit

A stool that is both large and bulky, yet still manages to settle to the bottom of the bowl without floating.

Mark smiled in satisfaction as he watched his Husky Deposit sink to the bottom of the bowl like a harpooned whale.

by Dex Abbott January 23, 2009

cheese deposit

A cheese deposit is when you visit the fridge, get a handful or two of shredded cheese and deposit it directly into your mouth

Man, last night I was hungry but didn't feel like cooking anything.. So, I just went to the fridge and made a couple cheese deposits instead

by vipie2000 September 5, 2019