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Detrimentally horny

Down bad horny.

Doinked is detrimentally horny.

by qiiett420 January 23, 2021

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blaming one's self, hurting one's self, etc
almost everything negative that you do to yourself belongs in this category

Her words were dripping with self-detriment.

by WeaBilly September 28, 2015

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Detrimental Information

Compound noun. Information that one is better off not knowing or being exposed to.

Bro 1: That chick you're crushing on was enthusiastically promiscuous for a year after she divorced.

Bro 2: That's detrimental information, man.

by Bro Ally July 31, 2013

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1) Something that your instincts warn you away from but which you can deduce as enticing.

2) A sacrifice or risk for an expected or predicted reward.
Plural: "beneficial-detriments".
Adjective: "beneficially-detrimental".
Antonym: "detrimental-benifit"

Exe: 1) brushing your teeth even though it makes your sensitive gums hurt, is a beneficial-detriment.

Exe: 2) It was a benneficial-detriment to lose my wrist that day, because my hand was pinned to the underside of a boulder; if I had avoided any detriment I'd've kept my hand and've died there.

by IAmPseudonyMeRoar!!! December 8, 2018


A injury or damage

He sits up very late to the detriment of his health

by uday dhaka November 27, 2021


Something which 'just feels right', but becomes regrettable later.

Plural: detrimental-benefits

Adjective: detrimentally-beneficial
Antonym: beneficial-detriment

Eating that whole cake was a detrimental-benefit, because even though it was tasty, I'm fat now, and my career is as a model (😱) so I could lose my job!

by IAmPseudonyMeRoar!!! December 8, 2018


A person you work with who’s capacity for wisdom is so lacking that he or she costs the business more than the product of her work.

To get things done efficiently, avoid detrimental-dumbdumb as they make a mess of efficient work flow by taking conversations off into tangents, making irresponsible claims that halt projects until extra work is performed to prove them false, or forcing bottleneck approval processes.

by Tysty7 June 12, 2019