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Dick and balls

One of Dipshit5104 favorite pastimes that he enjoys spending with Keegan Hockey

Ya like dick and balls? And Cock too?

by Yung Cheese June 29, 2019

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dick and ball skootch

verb: When you drag your dick and balls real slow across something.

Damnit Jack! Quit doing the dick and ball skootch all over Bud's face.

by imanobodytwo October 24, 2005

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dick and ball torture

a fun kink some sugar daddies tend to have

okay jerold you finished your oatmeal time to commence the dick and ball torture

by givemehead5 November 22, 2019

dick n balls

a dick and 2 balls put together in a combination that boys have.

Me: hey, what about them dick n balls?
You: Yeah!

by booey thomas June 19, 2008

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dick n balls

dick n balls means penis and the balls under them

girl: suck on my dick n balls
boy: yes

by ohhello (Tanna) August 20, 2022

pussy, dick, and balls

The three places on the human body that like to be sucked on the most. Also used to describe to the extent that something sucks.

Michael: Hey Laura, have you made any money off your tables today?
Laura: No, my tips have sucked pussy, dick, and balls today.

by rickjames29572 January 20, 2010

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Dick and Balls Syndrome

A disease where you're heavily fixated on dick and balls. This fixation often results in stomach issues. With this syndrome, you can only see dick and balls as two separate entities, you can't comprehend the entire male anatomy collectively. This syndrome is all consuming. It makes focusing on other things difficult. Symptoms may vary, and some people might have heavier focus on dick, and others balls.

Can be shortened to DB Syndrome

Charlie's dick and balls syndrome has been really active recently. He opened his eyes after sleeping and in his left eye I saw the reflection of a dick, and in the right, balls.

by Tate Sample May 12, 2022